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ON Gawen on (gawen) (9)



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    Author: ON (Gawen)


    HAMIL’iON (Gawen) See LONDON. [III. Misce11aneou Institutions, Societies, etc.] Walpolo Society. Lpublieat ion. j The Sixth volume, etc. (Gawen Hamilton: afl unknown Scottish portrait painter. B H. F. Finberg.J pp. 1-8. Oxfora., 1918.

    Card ID: 219

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    Author: GAWEN (John)


    GAWEN (John), Jesuit, See GAVAN.

    Card ID: 255

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    Author: ENOWNE (David Gawen)


    DEPOSlyQ y CHAM?ENOWNE (David Gawen). Uncertainty and estimation in eCOnC4nicS. (Mathematical &oricnicsTexts, 2-4.) 3 vols. Edinburgh and San Francisco 1969. . wo Ap.v. 9s4

    Card ID: 93

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    Author: GAVAN (John)


    GAVAN (John), Jesuit. WHITE, alias WHITEBREAD (T.), Jesuit The Tryals and condemnation of’ T.White... W.Harcourt.. .J.Fenwick, J.Gavan, alias Gawen, and A.Turner..for high treason, etc. Londo, 1679.

    Card ID: 189

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    Author: SUMNER (Laura)


    •t°- SUMNER (Laura). § NORTHAiiPTON (MASSACHUSETTS). Smith Co1leg. Smith College studies in modern languages. Vol. 5. 4. The Weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragneil. L. Sumner, Northampton, iass. find Paris, 1924.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: No Author available


    FINBRG (1i1da F.) Gawen hamilton: an unknown Scottish portrait painter0 LOND0I. Un. Iiisoe1laneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Walpole Society. [Publications. J The Sixth volume, etc. pp. 51—58. Facsimile and plates. Oxford, 1918.

    Card ID: 128

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    Author: No Author available


    ç < c c•• GAWAINE, Knigbt of the Round Tab1. The Weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragneil. Edited... by L. Sumner, Northamøtç, Mass, and Paris, 1924. NORTHAMPTON (MASSACHuSETTS). Smith College. Smith College studies in modern languages. Vol. 5. No. 4.

    Card ID: 250

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    NORTHAMPTON (iv!ASSACHUSETTS). Smith Col1eg. Smith College studies in modern languages. Vol. 5. 4. The Weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragneil. Edited, with a study of the date and dialect of the poem and. its English analogues, [and a bibliography,) by L. Sumner, pp. (2) + xxix. + 39. 8°. Northampton, Mass, and Paris, 1924.

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: No Author available


    c%Jc) C4 ?4 1. F- c WHITE, alias WHITEBREAD (Thomas), Jesuit. The Tryals and condemnation of Thomas White, alias Whitebread, Provincial of the Jesuits in England, William Harcourt...John Fenwick, John Gavan, alias Gawen, and Anthony Turner, all Jesuits and priests, for high treason, in conspiring the death of the King, the subversion of the government and Protestant religion...on...the 13th and 14th of June 1679. pp. 2) + 95 [or rather, 991. [S.R.J fol. London, 1679. The numbers 89—92 are used twice in the pagination. Bound in a volume lettered: Otes’s Popish Consp4rac. [sE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 198