ON, Frederick
AN, Frederick
ALDERSON, Frederick
DEION, Frederick
ALIDRIDGE, a Frederick
ALLEN, Frederick
IUTDREWS, Frederick
A, Iwao Frederick
BARKER, Frederick
BARRY, Frederick
BATEMAN, Frederick
BAUSMAN, Frederick
BETZ, Frederick
M, Frederick
BLAYNEY, Frederick
BLOOMER, Frederick
RADNUM, Frederick
DSCEEID, Frederick
BRITTAIN, Frederick
AIN, Frederick
BROWN, Frederick
R, Frederick
BULL, Frederick
CARTER, Frederick
CHAMEBLIN, Frederick
CHAMIER, Frederick
CLABXE, Frederick
HAY, Frederick
COBLEY, Frederick
COX, Frederick
CEEDY, Frederick
EEDY, Frederick
CROOI, Frederick
CZAPEK, Frederick
DAVIS, Frederick
DEVON, Frederick
T, Frederick
AT, Frederick Robert
DOUGLASS, Frederick
SS, Frederick
AN, Baron Frederick
NMONS, Frederick
I, Frederick
FENN, Frederick
FILC, Frederick
IELD, Frederick
FORSYTH, Frederick
GARDNER, Frederick
D, Frederick
GOODYEAR, Frederick
GRIM, Frederick
GRUEB, Frederick
GUTHRIE, Frederick
HABD, Frederick
HARDMAN, Frederick
HARRISON, Frederick
EARRISON, Frederick
HABBISON, Frederick
HARTT, Frederick
TJ, Frederick
HASTINGS, Frederick
Y, Frederick
EAY, Frederick
HENDRIKS, Frederick
HERTZ, Frederick
ROBSON, Frederick
HOCKEY, Frederick
AN, Frederick Ludwig
HOVENDEN, Frederick
IMPEY, Frederick
IMPY, Frederick
JEFFERY, Frederick
JOHNSON, Frederick
KEEL, Frederick
KEPPEL, Frederick
KIRCNHOFF, Frederick
AB, Frederick
UNG, Frederick
UDGE, Frederick
LARGE, Frederick
LAWRENCE, Frederick
LAWTON, Frederick
ROSS, Frederick
LESLIE, Frederick
MPSON, Frederick
LAMPSON, Frederick
LANPSON, Frederick
LONSDALE, Frederick
LONSDAIE, Frederick
LUCAS, Frederick
LUNLFY, Frederick
LYGON, Frederick
MACKENZIE, Frederick
US, Frederick
MARRYAT, Frederick
ARRYIT, Frederick
MARYAT, Frederick
MABRYAT, Frederick
MPJBYAT, Frederick
MABEYAT, Frederick
ARTIN, Frederick
IAY, Frederick
MEYUC, Frederick
TTENS, Frederick
METCALFE, Frederick
NETCALFE, Frederick
YRS, Frederick
MEYRICK, Frederick
MILLAR, Frederick
IILLER, Frederick
MONTAGU, Frederick
MOSTELLER, Frederick
MYERS, Frederick
AN, Sir Frederick
NEUMANN, Frederick
NORMAN, Frederick
NORMAK, Frederick
NORTH, Frederick
LEY, Frederick
OAKELEY, Frederick
OSBORN, Frederick
OSBORN, Frederick
PAGE, Frederick
AG, Frederick
PALMER, Frederick
RHOD, Frederick
PRILON, Frederick
PILON, Frederick
PINCHES, Frederick
PLAAT, Frederick
REYNOLDS, Frederick
REYNOLDS, frederick
OLDS, Frederick
S, Frederick
LDS, Frederick
HEYOLDS, Frederick
RETNOLDS, Frederick
BIDET, Frederick
ROGERS, Frederick
ROSS, Frederick
ROTHWIIL, Frederick
ROTHWBLL, Frederick
ROTHWELL, Frederick
ROTFIWELL, Frederick
YELL, Frederick
RUDOLP(, Frederick
FEI, Frederick
SAUNDERS, Frederick
SAVAGE, Frederick
SAYER, Frederick
AN, Frederick-Lewis
SEITZ, Frederick
SEYMOUR, Frederick
SEAJPE, Frederick
SHARPE, Frederick
SHOBERL, Frederick
ON, FredericK William
SMITH, Frederick
SODDY, Frederick
STARR, Frederick
STRONG, Frederick
AN, Frederick William
TEMPLE, Frederick
TENNYSON, Frederick
AS, Frederick William
TILBERG, Frederick
TOLL, Frederick
TOWNSEND, Frederick
TRACY, Frederick
VERINDER, Frederick
IT, Frederick Edward
WATSON, Frederick
WEBS, Frederick
ETOD, Frederick
IN, John Frederick
WHITEHAD, Frederick
WICKHAM, Frederick
WILL, Robert Frederick
WILLIS, Frederick
WINIBERG, Frederick
OTT, Geore Frederick
TT, George Frederick
ABEL, Sir Frederick Augustus
ABEL, Sir Frederick Iugustus
CERLEY, Frederick George
ADAIR, Frederick Edward Shafter
ADAMS, Arthur Frederick
ADAMS, Frederick Baldwin
ADAMS, Ramon Frederick
ADKINS, Nelson Frederick
ADOLPH, Edward Frederick
AFLALO, Frederick George
AGARD, Frederick Browning
AGARD, Frederick Brovnin
ALDRIDGE, Ira Frederick
ALEXANDER, Philip Frederick
ALLEN, Frederick de Forest
ALLEN, William Frederick
ALLEN, lNjlljam Frederick
EN, Harold Frederick
LNDREWES, Sir Frederick Vlilhiarn
ANDREWES, Sir Frederick William
DREWES, $i Frederick William
VS, Frederick Henry
ANSON, Peter Frederick
N, Peter Frederick
WSON, peter Frederick
ANTROBUS, Frederick ratiuB
OLOSE, Sir Charles Frederick
ARMAS, Frederick Alfred do
ARMSONG, Sydney Frederick
ARNOLD, Frederick Henry
ARTZ, Frederick Binkerd
ASHLEY, Frederick Williazzi
ATKINSON, Frederick MacCurdy
BACON, Samuel Frederick
BADDELEY, John Frederick
BAILEY, Frederick tarshman
BAKER, Frederick Aif red
BAKER, Frederick Grenfell
D, Frederick Clever
BALL, Frederick Cyril
TING, Sir Frederick Grant
BAPGEBUHR, Frederick paul
BARRY, Frederick William
TLE, George Frederick
BARTON, Tiaoms Frederick
BARTON, Thoiim Frederick
BARWIOK, (eore Frederick
BARWICK, George Frederick
BATES, Frederick Leroy
BATESON, Frederick Noel Wilse
BEALES, Arthur Charles Frederick
S, Arthur Charles Frederick
BEAUMONT, George Frederick
BELL, Maurice Frederick
R, Joirn Frederick
GIN, George Frederick
RD, Eric Charlee Frederick
BIRRELL, Francis Frederick Locker
LL, FraHcis Frederick Locker
BISACRE, Frederick Francis Peóiva
OK, Sir Frederick Yiilliam
BLACKWOOD, Frederick Temple Hwnhlton
BLAKE, Frederick Hyde
BLAKE, Jobn Frederick
TURNER, Frederick Augustus
BLISS, Frederick Jones
BLOSSOM, Frederick Augustus
BLUNT, Anthony Frederick
BLUNT, Anthony Frederick
BOAS, Frederick Samuel
BOAS, Frederick Satnuel
BOAS, frederick Samuel
BOAS, Frederick Swnuel
BOLMAN, Frederick de Wolfe
BOLTON, Frederick Elmer
BOLTON, frederick Rothweil
BOND, Frederick Bligh
BONNER, Stanley Frederick
BONSKR, Frederick Gordon
BOOK, William Frederick
BOON, Frederick Charles
SWORTE, George Frederick
BOSWORTH, George Frederick
TORTH, George Frederick
BOSWOJTH, George Frederick
BOSWQRTR, Oeorg-e Frederick
BOSWORTR, George Frederick
BOWER, Frederick Orpen
ER, Frederick orpen
BOWYER, Michael John Frederick
BRBANP, Frederick Gaspard
BRADFORD, Frederick Charles
D, Frederick Charles
BRANDON, Samuel George frederick
BFMIDON, Samuel George Frederick
BRMDO, Samuel George Frederick
NDON, Sznue George Frederick
BEANDON, Samuel George Frederick
BRASGH, Frederick Edward
BREW, Frederick Mason
BRIDGE, Jj Frederick
IDGE, Frederick Laynard
BRIDGE, Sir John Frederick
BRILXHAM, Frederick George Thais
BRIDGMAN, George Frederick Leslie
BRIITEN, Frederick James
OKE, Charles Frederick Tucker
BROOKE, Charles Frederick Tucker
BROOKE, Frederick Acton
BROOKS, Frederick William
BROOKS, FrederIck William
NN, Arthur Frederick James
BROWN, Frederick George William
BRUCE, Frederick Fyvie
UCE, Frederick prvie
BRUCE, Frederick ?yvie
BRUETON, Bertrand Frederick
BRUON, Bertrand Frederick
BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick
BRUNNER, Alec Frederick Fraser—
BRYSON, Frederick Robertson
BUDD, Frederick Edward
OCK, Frederick William Bagshawc
BULLOCK, Frederick William Bagahawe
BULLOCK, Frederick William Bagshawe
BJLLOCK, Frederick William Bagshawe
BURGESS, Frederick Wiiia
BURGESS, Frederick William
BURNABY, Frederick Gustavus
BYLES, Frederick Glyde
RT, Albert Frederick
CALVERT, Albert Frederick
CALVE, Albert-Frederick
CALVERT, Albert frederick
CALVERT, Albert, Frederick
QALVERT, Albert Frederick
CAMM, Frederick James
CAA, Frederick James
SON, Carl Frederick
CABNEY, Frederick Smith
PEIJP, Edward Frederick
CARPENTER, Edward Frederick
CARBINGTON, John Frederick
CARRITT, Edgar Frederick
CATBITT, Edgar Frederick
RUCK, Peter Frederick
CASE, Frederick Ivor
DISH, Richard Frederick
CHEERS, George Frederick
S, George Frederick
OHMBERS, George Frederick
CHAMBERS, George Frederick
CHANCE, James Frederick
R, John Frederick
K, George Frederick
CHESSON, Frederick William
CHILD, Frederick Anthony
CNRISTIE, John Frederick
CHTJBB, Frederick Basil
CHURCHILL, Ernest Frederick
OIPP, Frederick Morimer
CLAIK, Frederick Le Gros
CLARK, Frederick Le eros
OLARK, Frederick io Gros
CLARK, Frederick Stephen
CLABK, George Frederick scoton-
CLARKE, Frederick William
CLARKE, Ian frederick
CLESBY, Frederick Ernest
CLEENPS, Arthur Frederick
COBB, William Frederick
COGGAN, Frederick Donald
GGAN, Frederick Donald
COLES, Sydney Frederick Arthur
COLLIER, ueorge Frederick
COLLIER, George Frederick
COLLINS, Archie Frederick
COLLINS, Frederick Howard
COLLINS, Herbert Frederick
COLLUIS, Jerbert Frederick
COLVILE, Frederick Leigh
CONSTABLE, Frederick Ilurn
CONYBEARE, Frederick Cornwallis
CONYBEARE, Frederick Cornwais
CONYBEARE, Frederick Cornwafljs
YBEABE, Frederick Cornwailis
CONYBEABE, Frederick Cornwallis
COOK, David Frederick
COOK, Frederick Cliares
COOK, Sir Herbert Frederick
COOPER, Frederick fox
COOPER, Frederick Fox
PR, Frederick Reriad
COPE, Gilbert Frederick
SEST, George Frederick Myddelton
COSENS, Frederick William
COSENS, Frederick Wi ham
QOVILLE, Frederick Vernon
COVILLE, Frederick Vernon
COX, Frederick Arthur
COX, Frederick Ilayter
AIG, Frederick Welter Scott
CRAIG, Frederick Walter Scott
CRAIG, Frederick ter Scott
CRISP, Frederick -Arthur
CRISP, Frederick Arthur
CRISP, Frederick Artbur
CRISP, Frederick &rthur
CRISP, Frederick Arthir
CROSS, Charles Frederick
CBOSSLEY, Frederick Herbert
CRQSLEY, Frederick Herbert
CROSSON, Frederick James
CROWDER, Walter Frederick
CROVIEST, Frederick James
CROWEST, Frederick Jarries
CROWEST, Frederick Jarnes
CROWEST, Frederick James
IITGS, Bruce Frederick
DANVEBS, Frederick Charles
AROY, Caares Frederick
DARTON, Frederick Joseph Harvey
DARTON, Frederick Josph Harvey
DARN, Frederick Joseph Harvey
N, Frederick Joseph Harvey
DAVIS, Frederick Hadland
DEACON, George Frederick
DEACON, yrjjjj Frederick
ARMAS, Frederick Alfred
DELDERFIE, Ronald Frederick
DELDERPIELD, Ronald Frederick
DELDEPFIELD, Ronald Frederick
DENDY, Frederick Walter
PENDY, Frederick Walter
MARSHALL, Chapman Frederick
DENHAM, Joshua Frederick
DIETZ, Frederick Charles
LISTONE, Frederick Wiiam
DILLISONE, Frederick Wiiaii
DINSDALE, Frederick Trotter
CCSPADF, Frederick J,
DODD, Frederick Henry
DODD, Frederick Lawson
DOLD, Gilbert William Frederick
ETSCH, Carl Frederick
DRAKE, Frederick William
DRAPER, Frederick Cecil
DRIFFIELD, Frederick Vero
DRIJCE, John Gerald Frederick
AM, Daron Frederick
JNHILL, Thomas Frederick
DUNN, Frederick Roger
DUNN, Frederick Sherwood
DUPES, Frederick Wilcox
DURAND, William Frederick
DURANT, Frederick Clark
DWYER, Frederick Joseph
DYER, Ernest Frederick
DYICE, Stanley Frederick
DYKE, Stney Frederick
EAST, charles Frederick Terence
EDEN, Sir Frederick MDrton
FDWADS, Frederick George
EDWARDS, Frederick Wallace
EDWAPDS, Frederick Wallace
EIYNAEDS, Frederick Wallace
LWARDS, frederick Wallace
EGERTON, Frederick Clement Christie
BSERTON, Frederick Clement Christie
EISELEN, Frederick Carl
ELLIS, Frederick Startridge
ELWORTHY, Frederick Thom
EMMISON, Frederick George
ISON, Frederick George
MISON, Frederick George
KISON, Frederick GeorSe
ENMISON, Frederick George
ENGLAND, Frederick Ernest
FABER, Frederick william
FABER, Frederick William
FF, Frederick William
ABER, Frederick William
FAIRHOLT, Frederick William
FAIRHOLT, Frederick william
FAIRIIOLT, Frederick William
MOLT, Frederick William
FAIREOLT, Frederick Williani
HOLT, Frederick William
FAIBHOLT, Frederick William
OLT, Frederick Wifliara
FALCONER, Alexander Frederick
FARRAR, Charles Frederick
PARRAR, Frederick William
FARRAR, Frederick William
FAXON, Frederick Winthrop
FELKIN, Frederick William
EERE, Nels Frederick Solomon
FERRIER, James Frederick
RIER, Janies Frederick
FFRENCH, James Frederick Metge
FZELDEN, Frederick Joshua
FIELDEN, Frederick Joshua
FIESER, Louis Frederick and, Mary
FILBY, Frederick Arthur
FISMEB, Frederick Bazley
FISHER, Frederick Jack
FLEAY, frederick Grd
FLEAX, Frederick Gard
FLEAX, Frederick clara
FLIINGTON, William Frederick
FOLLETT, Frederick Vernon
S, Frederick £dwyzi
AW, Charles Frederick
OWLE, Frederick Eugene
OWLE, Frederick E’ene
FOWLE, Frederick Eugene
LE, Frederick Eugene
FRANCK, Frederick Sigfred
FRASER, Frederick Charles
BRUNNER, Alec Frederick
FRITSCH, John Frederick
FTITZ, Martin Frederick
FROHAWK, Frederick William
OO, Frederick John
FULLEI(, John Frederick Charles
FULLER, John Frederick Charles
FULLER, ohn Frederick Charles
L, Frederick James
NIVALL, Frederick James
JRNIVALL, Frederick James
FURNIVAL, Frederick James
FURNIVALL, Frederick James
FURNIVALL, Frederick Janes
PURNIVALL, Frederick James
FURMIVALL, Frederick Jauies
VALL, Frederick James
JRNIVLL, Frederick James
FORNIVALL, Frederick James
WNIVALL, Frederick James
URNIVALL, Frederick James
FTJRNIVALL, Frederick Jemes
FIJRNIVALL, Frederick James
ALL, Frederick James
FUNIVALL, Frederick James
FURNIVATL, Frederick Jaxaes
FIJENIVALL, Frederick James
LE, Charles Frederick Snowden
GAMST, Frederick Charles
GARDNER, frederIck Leigh
GAUSSEN, Willium Frederick Armytage
RING, Frederick Osmorid
GEARING, Frederick Osmond
GEORGE, Edward Frederick
GEORGE, Frederick Wiia Arthur
GEPSIIS, Frederick Heudebourck
GETMAN, Frederick Hutton
GIBBEUD, sir Frederick
GIBBS, Frederick Waymouth
GIESE, William Frederick
MAN, Frederick John
GILLMAN, Frederick John
GIPSON, Frederick Benamin
GLASS, Frederick Janes
GLASS, Frederick James
GOFF, Frederick Richmond
GOLDMAN, Eric Frederick
GOODENOUGH, Frederick Craufurd
GORDON, James Frederick Skinner
OSS, Charles Williem Frederick
GOSS, CharloB William Frederick
GOULD, Frederick James
SDNNALIE, Frederick meon
GRANT, Frederick Charles
GRANT, Frederick Clifton
GRANT, Frederick CL&fton
YALKEB, Arthur Frederick
GBEN, Frederick Charles
GREEN, Frederick Charles
GREEN, Frederick Ernest
GPE, Frederick Lawrence
OMEN, Frederick lawrence
GRIFFITHS, Acton Frederick
GRIFFITHS, Arthur’, George Frederick
GRIFFITHS, Arthur George Frederick
QRIFFITHS, Arthur George Frederick
GRIFFITES, Arthur George Frederick
IS, Arthur George Frederick
S, John Frederick
GRIGGS, Frederick Landseer Maur
GRIGGS, Frederick Landseer Maui’
GROVE, Frederick Philip
GRUBR, Frederick Charles
BERG, sir Frederick Gordon
YNN, Frederick Landis
HACKWOOD, Frederick William
HACICWOOD, Frederick Wiuiaira
HALL, Frederick John
HAIL, Frederick Smith
HALL, Sir Noel Frederick
HALL, Peter Reginald Frederick
HALL, Vernon Frederick
HAMILTON, Frederick John
HANDEL, George Frederick
DLL, George Frederick
L, George Frederick
DEL, George Frederick
J, George Frederick
DL, George Frederick
NDEL, George Frederick
ANDEL, George Frederick
HANNAFOFD, Charles Frederick
HAPPOLD, Frederick Crosefield
HAPPOLD, Frederick Crossfielcl
D, Frederick Crossfield
HAPPOLD, Frederick Crossfield
HARD, Charles Frederick
HARDWICH, Thoñias Frederick
HARE, Frederick Kenneth
HARRIES, Frederick James
HARRIS, John Frederick
HARRIS, Seymour frederick
HARRIS, Thomas Frederick
HARROLD, Charles Frederick
HABTE, Frederick Edward
ASLFOOT, Frederick Kneller Haselfoot
HASLUCK, Frederick William
HATCH, Frederick flwy
HATCH, Theodore Frederick
HATTERSLEY, Alan Frederick
LEY, Alan Frederick
HAWKINS, Frederick Wilhi
HAWKINS, Frederick William
HAY, Frederick and CHAPIAN, Westmacott
MALO, Frederick Deforest
HEALD, Frederick Deforest
HEINEMANN, Frederick Henry
HWDY, Frederick James Roberts
NKIL, Frederick William
HERBERGER, CharleB Frederick
HERBERGER, Charles Frederick
URSP, Sir Arthur Frederick
HVE, Frederick Augustus
TTLINGER, Richard Frederick
HARE, Frederick Kemieth
HICKS, Frederick Charles
HICKS, Frederick Cyril Nugent
HICKS, Frederick William Potto
HIGGINS, Frederick Robert
HQDIS, Frederick Ibbert
HIGCINS, Frederick Robert
HILDEBRAND, Samuel Frederick
HILL, Frederick Thomas
HILLIARD, Frederick Hadaway
HOCKEY, Stanley Frederick
EDGE, Frederick Webb
HODGES, John Frederick
HOEHIGR, Frederick Julius David
HOFFMAN, Frederick John
HOFFMAN, Frederick Ludwig
OFIAN, Frederick Ludwig
N, Frederick Ludwig
HOFIAN, Frederick Ludwig
RPFMAN, Frederick liudwig
EOFFMAN, Frederick Ludwig
NOGO, Oliver Frederick ciliia
ROGG, Oliver Frederick Giflilen
HOGG, Oliver Frederick Gillilan
HOGG, Oliver Frederick Giililan
HOILDEN, Frederick T
HOLGATE, HtTbert Cecil Frederick
HOLGATE, Herbert Cecil Frederick
HOLIDAY, Frederick William
IIOLLAND, George Frederick
OLWECK, Frederick George
HOPKINS, !k Frederick Gowlaxid
HOPKINS, Frederick Govand
HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowiand
HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland
HOPKINSON, Arthur Frederick
HORNEY, Hush Frederick
ON, Frederick Tyrie sidney
ROW, Frederick Douga
HOW, Frederick Dougas
HOW, Frederick Douglas
HOWABD, George William Frederick
OARD, George William Frederick
ME, Frederick Edv:erd
HULME, Frederick Edward
HULE, Frederick Edward
UNT, frederick Vinton
HUNTER, Frederick
ER, frederick Vercer
EUSENBETH, Frederick Charles
ISON, Harold Frederick
ICK, Frederick Andrew
ICK, Frederick Anre
E, Frederick Robert
JACKSON, Frederick George
JACKSON, Frederick oeorge
JACISON, Frederick Herbert
JACKSON, Frederick -luth
SON, Frederick- John Foakes—
JACKSON, Frederick John Foaes—
JACKSON, Frederick John Foakes
JAGO, Frederick William Pearce
ROBERTS, Frederick Sleigh
JANE, Frederick oma
JANE, Frederick Thomas
JANE, Frederick pmaa
ARVIS, Alfred Frederick
JENNER, Frederick Alexander
JERBARD, Frederick William Hill
JZZSUP, Ronald Frederick
VONS, Frederick Itpbnel
ITT, Ilewellynn Frederick Williajzi
JEWITT, Llewellynn Frederick William
JOHNSON, Ahcrt Frederick
NSON, Albert Frederick
JOHNSON, Samuel Frederick
JONES, Frederick Charles
JONES, Frederick E •
JONES, Frederick Elwyn
JONES, Frederick Lafayette
KARL, Frederick Robert
EEBIE, Sir Frederick ‘Yiiiam
KE, James Frederick
ICENYON, Charles Frederick
KENYON, Sir Frederick George
KIFPEL, Frederick p
KEPPEL, Frederick Paul
KEVAN, Ernest Frederick
KINNEY, Arthur frederick
IK, Frederick Alexander
UCK, Frederick Aexrider
U, Frederick Kurt
KITCHIN, Frederick Harcourt
ER, Charles Frederick
KFP, Frederick Malcolm
KNEELER, George Frederick
T, Edward Frederick
S, Paul Frederick
KUNZ, George Frederick
LAMB, Geoffrey Frederick
LARIPE, John Frederick
LAMPSON, Frederick Looker-
LANGE, Frederick William Theodor
LANGE, John Frederick
LMJ, Robert Frederick
LAWRCE, Frederick William Pethick—
LMRENC, Frederick William Pethick
AWRENCE, Frederick William Pethick
LAWEWCE, John Frederick
LAWSON, Edward Frederick
LAWSON, Frederick Henry
LEA, Frederick Charles
LEA, [Frederick Measham
EE, Frederick ‘;eorge
IEE, Frederick George
LEHMANN, John Frederick
LEWIS, Frederick Christian
LEWIS, Sir Frederick William
LEWIS, John Frederick
INDIRS, Frederick Cbeva
DEMANN, Frederick Aexander
LINDEMANN, Frederick Alexander
LIPSOOMB, Frederick Martin
LISPER, Sir Frederick Spencer
LISTER, Sir Frederick Spencer
LITTLEDALE, Richard Frederick
LITTLEDALE, ichard Frederick
VELLYN, Frederick Britton
LLOYD, Seton ‘Howard Frederick
OUSE, William Frederick
LONOMAN, Frederick William
LOIIMER, Frank and OSBORN, Frederick
LOTT, Frederick bnrnes
LUCAS, Frederick Augustus
LUCAS, Frederick William
LUDOVIYK, Evelyn Frederick Chares
LTJGARD, Frederick JohhDati-y
JOARD, Frederick Jcgm tatry
LUGARD, Frederick John Deatry
D, Frederick ohnDeatry
LUND, Frederick Hansen
LY, Frederick Herbert
MACARTNEY, Frederick Thomas Bennett
CAULAY, FredericK Robertson
OWT, Frederick Raynes
OLEARY, George Frederick
ARY, George Frederick
CLEARY, George Frederick
COY, jj Frederick
MACNEICE, Frederick Louis
ACNEICE, Frederick Louis
MACNEIOE, Frederick Louis
MBCNEICE, Frederick Louis
MACNEICE, Frederick louis
ZUET, Frederick arodLe
MADDEN, Albert Frederick
D, Frederick Wiia
MAKINS, Frederick Kirkwood
SFIELD, Frederick John
MANSFIELD, Frederick John
LARQUIS, Frederick James
MARQUIS, Frederick James
MARQUIS, Frederick Jame
ARQUIS, Frederick Jaiies
MARQUIS, Frederick JaEles
MAFSH, Frederick Thomas
MARSHALL, Chapman Frederick Dendy
MARSHALL, Frederick Henry
MARVIN, Charles Frederick
MASOM, William Frederick
MASOH, William Frederick
AASOM, William Frederick
IIASOM, William Frederick
MASON, Frederick Cecil
MASON, John Frederick Arthur
ATSON, Frederick Rognald
MAUDE, Sir Frederick Stanley
MAURIC, •• Frederick Barton
MAURICE, Frederick Barton
MAURICE, Sir Frederick Barton
IAAURICE, ir Frederick Barton
JRICE, Frederick Denison
MAURICE, Sir John Frederick
MAURICE, Sir John Frederick’
MAURIGE, j John Frederick
MAURICE, John Frederick Denison
MJJRICE, John Frederick Deriison
UAUEICE, John Frederick Denison
MATRICE, John Frederick Denison
AUBICE, John Frederick Denison
IAAURICE, Jonn Frederick Denison
TRICE, John Frederick Denison
MAURICE, Jolrn Frederick Denison
MAW, Frederick Treritham
E, Frederick Ivor
NAYNE, Frederick Arthur
HEIMER, Frederick Valentine
MENZLER, Frederick August Andrew
MERRYWEATHER, Frederick Foinner
ME, Frederick Gustav
MEYRICIC, Frederick Sauies
HIGEOD, Frederick William Hush
GEOD, Frederick Williani Hugh
MILLER, Frederick John William
MITCHELL, Frederick James
ORGAN, Frederick Ciiarles
MORGAN, Frederick Wallace
MORGAN, Peter Frederick
NORGAN, Peter Frederick
IIORRIS, Marmaduke Charles Frederick
MORRISON, Karl Frederick
W, Frederick and LAMBERT, Ernest,
RTLOCI(, John Frederick
MOSNER, Frederick Canip
MOSTELLER, Charles Frederick
MOT, Sir Frederick Walker
FORD, sir James Frederick
MURRAY, Edward Frederick Croft—
Y, Edward Frederick Croft-
MYLIUS, iiiliam Frederick
IIACHOD, Frederick Gciristantine
R, Frederick William
OLD, Frederick John
IAN, Frederick enry
NEWMEYER, Frederick Jaret
NICHOLLS, George Frederick
NICHOLSON, ii Frederick Augustus
NOLDE, Otto Frederick
NORDEN, Frederick Lewis
NORTH, Frederick John
TH, Frederick John
NORTHEDGE, Frederick SBmuel
OBR, Frederick Albion
FARRELL, Antony Frederick Louis
OGILIIIE, Sir Frederick Wolff
OLIVER, Frederick Scott
OLMSTED, Frederick-Law
OLMSTED, Frederick Law
NEILL, Frederick Vlifliarn Scott
OSBORNE, William Frederick
DR, Frederick Curry
OXIFY, Geoffrey Frederick
PAGET, Thomas Guy Frederick
PALEY, Frederick Apthorp
PALEX, Frederick Apthorp
FALEY, Frederick Apthorp
JEY, Frederick Apthorp
ALEY, Frederick Apthorp
EY, Frederick Ajtorp
PALEY, Frederick Aptborp
PALEY, Frederick Ahorp
PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel
PARDON, George Frederick
PRGITER, Frederick Eden
PARSONS, Frederick Gymer
RSONS, Frederick Gynier
EARTINGPON, Chare Frederick
PARTINGTON, Frederick William
PAVY, Frederick William
PAYNE, Peter Frederick
PEABOUI, Frederick William
AKE, Frederick Gerard
PENTELOW, Frederick Topham Key
PERRY, Kenneth Frederick
PHULIPS, John Frederick Vicars
K, Frederick Walter
PICKERING, Frederick Pickering
PIDDIJCK, Frederick Bernard
PIDDUC, Frederick Bernard
PIERCE, Frederick Erastus
PILE, Frederick Alfred
PIRIE, Nichoaz Frederick Francis
PITT, Frederick Henry George
PLPNCB, Frederick d’AxroB
POHL, Frederick J
POLLARD, Albert Frederick
AED, Albert Frederick
POMRD, Albert Frederick
C, Sir Frederick
POLLOCK, Sir Frederick
PONSONBY, Frederick Edward Grey
PONSONBY, Sir Henry Frederick
EB, Frederick Felix
POTTLE, Frederick Albert
POWELL, Frederick York
POWELL, Frederick YorT
POJELL, Frederick York
POWICKE, Frederick James
POWIKE, Frederick James
IOKE, Sir Frederick Maurice
POWICKE, Sir Frederick Iaurice
POYNTER, Frederick Ne Lawrence
POYNTER, Frederick No Lawrence
POYNTER, Frederick Noel Lawrence
POINTER, Frederick Noi Lawrence
POYSEE, Frederick Leslie
HOWNY, rbin Frederick Jacob
PPLATT, Alan Frederick Weston
PRJTT, Alan Frederick lJeston
PRESCOTT, Frederick Clarke
PFJCE, Frederick George Hilton
PRICE, Frederick George Hilton
PBICE, Frederick George Hilton
PRIC, Frederick George Hilton
PRYCE, Frederick Norman
JRDON, Frederick Field
PUTAM, Frederick Ward
PUTNAM, Frederick Ward
AE, Norman Frederick
RAINSFORD, Hums Frederick
RAU, Frederick von
RFD, Frederick Richard Cowper
REED, John Frederick
REES, S James Frederick
REES, Sir James Frederick
REID, Charles Frederick
REXD, Charles Frederick
RIBBNS, Frederick Bolingbroke
RICE, Frederick Andrew
RICHARDSON, Frederick Denys
RINGEL, Frederick Julius
ON, Aubrey Geoffrey Frederick
ROBERTS, Frederick Seii
ROBERTSON, Frederick William
N, Frederick William
ROBINS, Frederick William
RODGER, Frederick Carson
ILROE, Frederick Charles
ROGERS, Frederick Rand
ROOKEE, Frederick Zadock
ROOS, Charles Frederick
ROSS, James Frederick Stanley
I, Frederick Dominic
ROUTIEE, Frederick James
ROWE, Frederick James
ROYCE, Sir Frederick Henry
ROYCE, Frederick Henry
INSTEIN, Harold Frederick
RUBINSTEIN, Harold Frederick
WSTEIN, Harold Frederick
RUBINSTIN, arod Frederick
RUDGE, Peter Frederick
RUSSELL, Edward Frederick Langley
RUSSELL, Sir Frederick Stratten
SAARINEN, Thoms Frederick
AGGS, Kenzy William Frederick
SALT, Frederick John
SALTER, Frederick Millet
SAITEB, Frederick Millet
SNDERS, Frederick William
SANDEISON, Frederick William
DERS, Frederick Albert
R, Frederick Ernest
SAWYER, John Frederick Adam
SCHMECKEBIER, Laurence Frederick
SCHREIBER, Carl Frederick
LR, Karl Frederick
SCHULIT, George Frederick
SCHULZ, Ivx Frederick
ACHEH, Douglas Frederick
SCHUIAAN, Frederick Lewis
SCHUMAN, Frederick Lewis
SCOTT, Douglas Frederick Schumacher
SORIVENER, Frederick Henry Ambrose
SCRIVENER, Frederick Henry Ambrose
SCROOPE, Charles Frederick
JRR, Cyril Frederick
EARES, Frederick Hariley
SEARES, Frederick lianley
SILOUS, Frederick courtenay
SHARP, Arthur Frederick
SHEA, Frederick Leo
INN, Frederick Lafayette
SRIPLEY, Frederick William
SHIPLEY, Frederick Williwn
SHIPLEY, Frederick William
SHIRLEY, Frederick Joseph John
SERT, Frederick Seaton
KIN, Cohn George Frederick
MONS, Thomas Frederick
SIMOONS, Frederick J
SINCLAIR, Frederick Granville
SINGLETON, Frederick Bernard
R, Frederick George
IE, Philip Frederick
BLADE, Cecil Frederick
SIADE, Cecil Frederick
SLATER, Frederick George
T, Arthur Frederick
SMETHURST, Arthur Frederick
SMITH, Charles Frederick
SMITH, Sir Frederick
SMITH, Frederick Berkeley
SMITH, Frederick Charnley
SMITH, Frederick Edwin
SXITH, Frederick Edwin
SMITH, Frederick Francis
SMITH, Frederick Harold
SMITH, Frederick Henry
SMITH, Frederick Winston Furneawc
ITH, John Frederick
SMITH, John Frederick
SMITH, Robert Ernest Frederick
SMITHEN, Frederick James
SNSLL, Frederick John
SNELL, Frederick John
SPALDIJG, William Frederick
G, William Frederick
SPARROJ, Frederick Kroeber
SPEAR, Frederick Gordon
SPECK, John Frederick
SPENCER, Frederick Augustus Morland
SPENCER, Frederick Herbert
CER, Frederick Herbert
SPIEGEL, Frederick Charles
CY, Frederick William
STENNIITG, John Frederick
STEPHAN, Audley Hobson Frederick
STERN, Frederick Martin
IUFELD, frederick William
STERNFELD, Frederick William
STEVENS, Frederick Edward
STEWARD, Frederick Leood
STIMSON, Frederick Jesup
STOCKER, Arthur Frederick
STOPP, Frederick Jobn
STRATTON, Frederick John Marrian
STRIPLING, George William Frederick
STROG, Charles Frederick
STBONG, Charles Frederick
JPDIVT, Frederick David
STURGE, Lewis Frederick
STLTRGE, Lewis Frederick
SUNDERLAND, Frederick Harold
SURTEES, Scott Frederick
SYKES, Frederick Henry
TALBOT, Frederick Arthur Ambrose
TMBOT, Frederick Arthnr Ambrose
TEGGART, Frederick John
TGGART, Frederick John
TEMPLE, Frederick Charles
TEMPLE, Frederick Stephen
TEMPLE, George Frederick James
TENNANT, Frederick Robert
TEINANT, Frederick Robert
TENITYSON, Frederick Penrose
TEVERSEOI, Traviss Frederick
Y, Frederick Vincent
THEODOSSIN, Ernest Frederick
HESIGER, Frederick John Napier
THOMAS, Frederick Yoy
THOMAS, Frederick Williwii
OMAS, Frederick William
THOMAS, Frederick William
THOMPSON, Frederick William Butt—
THORIVOOD, Frederick Adair
TICKNER, Frederick James
TICKNER, Frederick Windriam
TICKNER, Frederick Windhwx
TIIWSON, George Frederick
TIMPSON, George Frederick
TINDAIJ, Alfred Frederick
TOLIES, Frederick Barnes
TOLLES, Frederick Barnes
TOMLIN, sric Valter Frederick
IOMLIN, Eric Walter Frederick
NS, Frederick Guest
TOLINS, Frederick Guest
TOMPKINS, Frederick Clifford
TOUT, Thomas Frederick
TREVES, Sir Frederick
TREVS, s Frederick
TREVETT, Reginald Frederick
TRINKER, Frederick William
TRUE, Frederick William
TRUE, Frederick ‘iilliam
TRUE, Frederick WillIam
TRUE, Frederick VIi:Lliam
TUNNICLIFFE, Charles Frederick
TUNNICLIFF, Charles Frederick
JRITEAVRE, Frederick Eaigene
TURNER, Frederick Au&ustus Page-
TURIER, Frederick Jackson
TURNER, Frederick Jackson
TURNER, Leonard Charles Frederick
TYLER, Frederick Thomas
N, Anthoiy Frederick
VARLEY, Frederick John
VEALE, Frederick John Partjngton
VENABLS, ercy Frederick Ronald
VILLIERS, George William Frederick
VOEGELIN, Charles Frederick
VOEGELIN, Chal-leB Frederick
LIN, Charles Frederick
VOEGELIIT, Charles Frederick
VOEI, Paul Frederick
VOGLER, Frederick Wright
AAN, Wiliiam Frederick
WALKER, Kenneth Frederick
WALTON, Frederick Parker
WARD, Charles FrederIck
YARD, Charles Frederick
WARD, Frederick Champion
WARNER, Donald Frederick
WATSON, Frederick Beilby
WATTS, George Frederick
WEATHERLY, Frederick Edward
WEBSTER, Frederick Armeeley Michael
EDMORE, Sir Frederick
WEDMORE, Sir Frederick
WELLS, Frederick Arthur
WUS, Frederick Arthur
S, William Frederick
WELLSTOOD, Frederick Charles
YELLSTOOD, Frederick Chares
LLSTOOD, Frederick Christjn
WEST, Trusthan Frederick
IIUITE, Frederick Anthony
WHITE, James Frederick
WHITNEY, Frederick Lamson
UDG, Frederick wallingford
WHITTON, Frederick Ernet
ITTON, Frederick Ernest
WHITTON, Frederick- Ernest
ITTON, Frederick Ernest,
WMYE, Sir Alexancler Frederick
E, Sir Alexander Frederick
MYTE, Sir Aexnder Frederick
WHITE, Alexander Frederick
WHYTE, Sir Alexander Frederick
HTE, sir Alexander Frederick
WITYPE, !S Frederick
WIENER, Frederick Bernays
WIGGINS, Leslie Frederick
WILLIAMS, Frederick Wells
WILSON, Frederick William
WINGFIELD, William Frederick
WINN, Frederick Graham
WINIIETT, Frederick Victor
WINSOR, Frederick Albert
PQNE, Harry Victor Frederick
E, Marry Victor frederick
WIRT, Frederick ?rsbsil
IAN, Frederick Luke
EN, Joht Frederick
WOLFENDEN, olm FrederIck
WOLLASTON, Alexander Frederick Richmond
WOOD, Edward Frederick Lindley
WOOD, Edvard Frederick Lindley
WOOD, Frederick Charles
WOOD, Frederick Lloyd Whitfeld
WOODBRIDGE, Frederick James Eugere
WOODFORD, Frederick Peter
WOODS, George Frederick
WORTS, Frederick Robert
WRIGHT, Arthur Frederick
TRIGPT, Arthur Frederick
WRIGHT, Frederick Fenig
WRIGHT, Frederick Warren
WYNNE, Frederick Rtohards
VYON, Frederick William
ICE, Frederick Cohn
ZEUNER, Alfred Frederick Eberhard
ZEUNER, Alfred Frederick Eberhrd
YNER, Alfred Frederick Eberhard
ZEUNER, Alfred Frederick Eberharci
ZEUNER, Frederick Everard
ZIEIKE, r Frederick
ER, George Frederick
ZOOK, George Frederick
ATCHLEY, Edward Godfrey Cuthbert Frederick
AYREE, Frederick Henry and HALL, John
BLACKWOOD, Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple
OGD, Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple
BISSON, Frederick Shirley Dumaresq de
UFCHILL, andoph Frederick Edward Spencer
CHURCHILL, Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer
DRIER, Philip and HATCH, Theodore frederick
DYAR, Harrison Gray and KNAB, Frederick
ENNOS, Frederick Rains and SCOTT, Alexander
FIERZ, Markus and VIEISSKOPF, Victor Frederick
GPEEN, Frederick Wiia Edrid,e
HERSCHEL, Sir John Frederick William
HERSCHEL, k John Frederick William
L, S John Frederick William
HEBSCHEL, j John Frederick William
EL, Sir John Frederick William
HERSCHEL, Sir Jobxi Frederick William
HERSCHEL, Sir John Frederick Arjllj
HERSCHEL, Sir John Frederick william
JERSOHEL, Sir John Frederick William
SCHEL, Sir Joha Frederick William
HERSCHEL, Sir JGhn Frederick Vtilllain
CHE, Sir John Frederick Wiam
KOBDAY, Sir Frederick Thomas George
C, Jack Frederick and, Anna Gritts
KURBEIN, Max and LEA, Frederick Charles
LAVER, Frederick John ui ray
LIJMLEY, Frederick E]iiioz’e
OUSELEY, Sir Frederick Arthur-Gore
PENNANCE, Frederick George and GRAY, Hamish
POTTLE, Frederick Albert and, Marion Starbird
POWICKE, Sir Frederick i’urice
JSTEIN, Harold Frederick and BAX, Clifford
SANSOME, Frederick Walley and PFIILP, J
ITH, Frederick Daniel and WILCOX, Barbara
SMITH, Frederick Daniel and WILCOX, Barbara
SPENCER, Frederick Hrbert and INGRAM, Beresford
TEAGO, Frederick Jerrold and GILL Francis
TOUT, Thomas Frederick and TAIT, James
S, Sir Percy Frederick Ronald
VENABLES, Sir Percy Frederick Ronald
WEST, George Frederick rddeiton CornwaUis-
WILSON, Frederick Augustus Basford de
WOOD, ]idwa,rd Frederick Lindley
WRADOUI, Sir Frederick Charles Isaceiles
ABBOT, Charles GreY and FOWLE, Frederick Eugene
ADAMS, Arthur Avery and CARTER, Charles Frederick
BICROWSKY, Francis Russell and ROSSINI, Frederick Dominic
BISEON, Frederick hirey urres de Carteret
BLACHLY, Frederick Frank and OATMAN, Miriam Eulalie
JN, klornher von arid ORIMAY, Frederick i
BROOKE, Charles Frederick Tucker and CANBY, Henry Seldel
UCE, Frederick Fyvie end RUPP, Ernest Gordon
CALVERT, Albert Frederick and HARTLEY, Catherine casquoine
CAMBRIDGE, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George
CLARK, Frederick Le Gros and PIRIE, Norman Wingate
JY, John-percy and LAWTON, Frederick Horace
EVANS, Sir Frederick John Owen and SMITH, Archibald
FITZPATRICK, Frederick Under and $TILS, Karl Amos
FRICK, George Frederick and STEARNS, Raymond Phineaa
HAKBUY, Frederick Janson and MARSHALL, Edward Shearburn
RMER, Lewis Charles and ?ORTON, Frederick John
HART, Arthur Tindal and CARPENTER, Edward Frederick
HAYES, Bernard John and MASOM, Wiuia Frederick
L, Sir Jo]m Frederick William
IIIRAI, &sao sM ‘ioMLpi, Eric Walter Frederick
HORSEY, Sir Algernon Frederick Rous de
HOVJATD, Joseph Jscison and CRISP, Frederick Arthur
JEWITT, Llewellynn Frederick William and HALL, Samuel Carter
T, Frederick Kurt and BRIGGS, Clifford Mtlton
KIRSTN, Frederick Kurt and LOEW, Edgar Allan
LEGGETT, Sir Frederick William See JACKSON, Erore
LLOYD, Seton Howard Frederick and RICE, David Storm
ARSH, John Thompson and WOOD, Frederick Charles
ULLIVAN, Denis Finbarr and HALL, Frederick John
PRNOT, Frederick Eugene and WOODS, Baldwin fimger
FOWL, Frederick York and TOUT, Thomas Frrderick
POYNTER, Frederick No Lawrence See YONGE, James
ROBBINS, Leopold George Gordon and MAW, Frederick Trentharn
OLFE, Frederick Wiim Serafino Austin Lewis ?*
ROLF, Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary
ROLFE, Frederick Wmm Serafino Austin lewis ry
ROIE, Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary
ROLFE, Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary
BOISE, Frederick William Serafjno Austft Lewis Mary
ROLFE, Frederick William Seratino Austin Lewis Mary
INSTIN, Harold Frederick and TAtB, Alfred Jujian
SAARINEN, Thomas Frederick and CCOICE, Ronald Urvick
SAWER, Charles James and DARTOI, Frederick Joseph Harvey
SHORT, Frederick Hugh and MELLOR, Francis Hamilton
SILLAR, Frederick Cameron nd MYLER, Ruth Mary
WARREN, George Frederick and PEARSON, Frank Ashmore
AGAED, Frederick Browning arid DI PIETRO, Robert J
BECK, Willian, of the Society f Friends and BALt cThofflas Frederick
BILL, Edward Geoffrey Watson and MASON, John Frederick Arthur
ELD, Sir Frederick Vernon and CARN&rH, Robert Jthn Anderson
EDEN, George Rodney, Bishop of Vlakefield and IACDONALO, Frederick Charles
KEIR, Sir David Llndflay arid LAWSON, Frederick uy
MAURICE, John Frederick Denison, See McCLAflI, Frnk Mauldizi
AIJDIGUIER, Vital dl, Sieur de la M*nor, See VOGLER, Frederick Wright
ROLPE, Frederick William SeraTino Austin Lewis Nary, calling himself Baron CORVO and GORDON, Charles Marry Clinton Pine—
TEMPIE, Frederick, successively Bishop of Exeter axid of London, and Archbishop of Canterbury and MACLAGAN, William Dairymple
WXLLIANS, Stanley Thomas, Sterling Professor of American Literature at Yale University and ADKINS, Nelson Frederick
WOODS, Edward Sydney, euccoLvey Bishop of Croydon and of Lichfield aid MACIUTT, Frederick Brodie