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ON Floyd Vivian a:on e|k:e (or) (4)
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ON, Floyd Vivian
FILSON, Floyd Vivian
FILSON, floyd Vivian
T, George Ernest and FION, Floyd Vivian
Author: ON (Floyd Vivian)
FIbON (Floyd Vivian). IGHT (Geoe E.) and FION (Floyd V.) The Vestminster historical atlas to the Bible. Edited by (.E.’.riht and F.V. Filson, A..on:jç, 1946. Revised edition, R4.c London, 1957.
Card ID: 96
Author: FILSON (Floyd Vivian)
: FILSON (Floyd Vivian). The New Testament against its environment: the Gospel of Christ the risen Lord., (Studies in ib1ica1 Theology, 3.) 103. 8°. Lndon, 1950.
Card ID: 93
Author: FILSON (floyd Vivian)
FILSON (Floyd Vivian). CULLMANN (Oscar). Christ and time. ..Translated..,by F.V. Filson. London, 1951.
Card ID: 94
Author: T (George Ernest) and FION (Floyd Vivian)
RIGiT (George Ernest) and FION (Floyd Vivian). The Vestminster historical atlas to te Bible. Edited by G.E.1rint and F.V.Filson. With an introductory article by W.F.Albriht. p. 114. Vol. 1946 Revised edition, etc. pp. Illustrations, .maps and table. , rQ’L.%c eJy. fol. ndon, 1957.
Card ID: 175