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ON Charles Merritt a:to charles|k:0812 (3)
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ON, Charles Merritt
MERRITT, LeRoy Charles
Author: ON (Charles Merritt)
Car CL1ON (Charles Merritt). Studies in Romance lexicology, based on a collection of late Latin documents from Ravema, AD kl.57QO. (University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance Lenguaes and Literatures, 5L.) pp. 102. Bib1ioraphy. 8°. Chapel Hill IValencia printed], 1965.
Card ID: 317
Author: MERRITT (LeRoy Charles)
DEPOSLTORY MERRITT (LeRoy Charles). The Adndnistrative, fiscal, and quantitative aspects of the regicnal union catalog. See U.NITE STATES OF AIEkICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. American Library Ass ocjatja. Union catalogs in the United States, pp. 1—125. ico, 1942.
Card ID: 615
MERRITT (LeRoy Charles). The United States government as publisher. A dissertation submitted to...(the University of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1942. [With a bibliography.] (ie University of Chicago $tudies in Liary Scjence,) pp. xv. +179. Diagrams and tables. 8°. _ca, 1943.
Card ID: 616