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ON COLUMI3IA a:e or|k:on (e) (5)



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    Author: ON (COLUMI3IA)


    OEPOsrroR’ WASHING’rON (COLUMI3IA). Carnegie Institution Wash iNton. Stafor Expererita1 Evolution. Epapers.] 23. Genetic studies. on a cavy speoies cross. By J. A. Detlefsen... With a pre1atory note by W. E. Castle [and a bih1iograply.J (C.rneie - Itistittion o W.hjnt.on Pubiicajon. No. 205.) pp. 134. Plates. BC. Washin, 1914.

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: T (COLUMI3IA)


    DEPOSITOBj ‘ WASF{I”(TOrT (COLUMI3IA). Oarneie Endcwment fc.r Inter— nat i öna2. Pc ao a. Dii3hf conomós and - Eccnornio and sccia1 bistori of the World War. Russian Series. .1 T. Shotwell, renera1 editor. Russian publio finance durnc the War, Revenue and expenditure, by A. M. Mich1son. With introduction by Count V. N. tokovzov. O’edit operaUons, by P. N. Apostol. netary policy. by M. W. T3ernatz!y. pp. xii. ÷ 461. Charts and folded tables. 80 . .i ,

    Card ID: 421

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    WASHINGTON (COLUMI3IA). Carneie Institution of Washington. - Contribut,ioris to paleontology. Miocene and Pliooene. flora.s of Western North America. [By R.W.Chaney, • M.K.Elias, E.Dorf, D.I.Axelrod and C.Carltón.] (Carnegie Institutiofl of Washington,. Publication No. 476.) pp. (4) + 272. Plates, diagrams and tables. 0 8 . Washington, 1938.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: NGTON (COLUMI3IA)


    bEösIT0PY WASHI NGTON (COLUMI3IA). Carnegie Institution of Washington; Mojnt’ Wilson Solar Observato. LPapers.J 8. General catalogue of stellar radial velocities. Prepared at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, California. By R.1.Wilson. IWith a bibliograp1.] (rnegje Inst— jtion of Washing Publication 601j pp. x. + 44. 0 4 . Washinto, D.C 1953.

    Card ID: 306

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    Author: N (COLuMI3IA)


    DEPOsQy wAsnING’IoN (COLuMI3IA). •:. progressivEcIuction 4ssociation.. Comini ssion on the Relation of School and college J[Publications. j Adventure in American education. [Continued.] 2. Exploring the curriculum: the work of the thirty schools from the viewpoint of curriculum consultants. [By] H.R.Giles, S.P.McCutchen and A.N.Zechiel. 1942. 3. Appraising and recording student progress. [By] E.B.Smith, R.W.Tyler and the evaluation staff. 1942. 4. Did they succeed in college? The follow—up study of the graduates of the thirty schools. [By] D.Chamherlin, E.Chamberlin, N.i.Drought, W.E.Scott. reface by Pt.McConn. 1942

    Card ID: 188