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ON COLUMBIA a:on columbia|k:0927 (594)



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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    SCOT’2 (James Brown)a See WASRING’rON (COLUMBIA). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Division of Thternatjonal Law. L?ithl1cation. .J War and. peaoe...By W.Jay...with ax’ introduotory note, by J.B.Scott. Ne,, York, 1919.

    Card ID: 440

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    WA3HING2ON (COLUMBIA). Ant roo1ogjca1 Society of Washington. Some uses of anthropology, theoretical and applied. jBy various authors. Edited by JB.Casagrande and T.Gladwin. With a bibliography.] pp, vi. + 120. 80 Washington. D.c., 1956.

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: IN(ON (COLUMBIA)


    WAS!1IN(ON (COLUMBIA). Caa’neie En1ovnrent or Inter— nat,onã1 Peace. lYWfiion or Iät[onlTha. —: The Classios of International Law. Edited br J. B. Scott. 6. Joh. Wolfjangi Textoris...Syriopsis juris entiurn. Edited by L. ‘ion Bar. 2 vols. Portrait. 40 Washincp, 1916. 1. A Reproduction of the first edition, with intro— dotion by L. von Bar, and list of errata. 2. A Translation of the text, r J P. Bate, with index of attors cited.

    Card ID: 25

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    3V WASUNG’rON (COLUMBIA). CarnejeEndownent for International Peae Divisi.on of International law. The -Hague Conventions and deolarations of 1899 and 1907; aoonipanied by tables of signatures, ratifications and adhesions of the various powers and texts of reservations. Edited by J. B. Scott. 3econd edition. pp. xxxiii + 303. 8. New_Yo,1915. SEE CONGRESSES. International PeaceConference.

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    4 —, I”> WAS!ING’rON (COLUMBIA). Carnegie ndov.ent for Internationa1 PeaaE. Diviaorj. of Internation.1 Iw. [Pub1icaions.] The Work oThe Hague. 2. The Problem Gf an international court of justice. By Hans Wehberg. Tran51ated.% by C. G. 1’enwiok. Cwith a bibliograpy.J pp. xxxiii. + 251. 60 Oxford. 1918.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    WASHINGiON (COLUMBIA). Carnegie Ii:stitution of Washington. Botany of the Maya area: micel1aneous papers. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publications, 461, 522.) 2 vols. Plates and Illus. Washington, 1936—*O.

    Card ID: 161

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    53 Rapid Reference - Cart o—bibl iographie s WASHING’rON (COLUMBIA). Librarypf Land ownership maps: a checklist of nineteenth century United States county maps in the Librarr of Congress. Compiled by RW. Stephenson. pp. 86. Illus. Washington, 1967.

    Card ID: 183

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    DEPQSITORr WASHINGf ON (COLUMBIA). National Acac.eaw of Sciences. National Research Council, Bulletin of the National Research Council. 6. ITransactions of the Aaierican Geophysical Union, seventh annual meeting, 1926, Washington.] pp. 134. Illustrations, - maps1 diagram and chart. - 0 8 . 1Washintozi1, 1926.

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    :f jçp WASRINGrON (COLUMBIA). Srni.thsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. III., art. 4; V., art. 5., and X.. HARVEY (w. H.) Nereis Boreali—Amerioana; or, Contributions • to a histcry of the marine a1g oI North Amerioa. 3 parts. Plates. 40 Washington, 1852, 53. 1. Melanosperrneae. 2. Bhodospermea. 3.0h 3ae.

    Card ID: 256

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    9 jii’ WASRING4’ON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Oontrbutions to Knowledge. Vol. XXIII. article 2. no. 242. 4. Washington, lS8l CLARK (H. Jj. Lucernari and their allies: a memoir on the anatontr and physiolo’ of Haliolystus. Aurioula, and other Luo ernarians, with a discussion of their relations tocthor Aoalepha , to Beroids and Polypi. pp. 130 Plates. “ihington, 1878.

    Card ID: 40

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    COLUMBIA (MISSOURI). Missouri Academy of Science. Occasional papers. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.3 -CFu 1. COLUMBIA (iI3SOURI). Missouri Academy of Science. ‘ frc) Proceedings of a symposium on pests and pesticides. [Edited by] Thomas H. Hinckley. 1973. - -i (c) 2. W’RIGBT (Richard Paul). Enzymic characterization of brown recluse spider venom. 1973. 3. QLUMBIA (MISSOURI). University of Missouri. TimberI& wildlife management symposium...(John P. Blusher and Thomas 11. Hinckley, editors.) 1974. [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 90

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    COLUMBIA (MISSOURI). i8souri Acadamy of Science. Occasional papers. [Continued.] 4. COLUMBIA (HIoSOURI). Z4issouri Academy of Science. Union 1ectric (..ompany, Cailaway Plant, unltB I and 2: preconstruction environmental monitoring. Annual summary 1974.

    Card ID: 91