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ON Archibald a:on archibald|k:0410 (281)



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    Author: ON (Archibald)


    NNAT Hen IENDER5ON (Archibald). The Conluest of the old South-We6t: the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee and Intucky, l7liO-1790. pp • xxiv. + 395. Bibliography, portraits, plates, facsimiles and. folded map. 80. New York, 1920.

    Card ID: 413

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    Author: ARCHIBALD (John)


    M’1 AJ3ERCROMBIE Leslie Patrick) and ARCHIBALD (John). East Kent regional planning scheme: preliminary survey. Prepared for the Joint Town Planning Committee. . .by P.Abercrombie incollaboration with J.Archibald. Liverpool and London, 1925.. e KENT. Joint Town PlanniflR Committee of the East Kent Eeion.

    Card ID: 82

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    Author: LION (Archibald)


    LION (Archibald), Pbendrv of rum. A Sernion preached in the Episcopal Chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, iovember i6, i8o, the day after the funeral of 8ir William Forbes, of Pit1igo, Bart. pp. 19. 4°. [Edinbur,.th, 1807]. Bound ma voiumej.ettered ermon, c.”

    Card ID: 407

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    Author: ARCHIBALD (Joim)


    ARCHIBALD (Joim), P1anninsja. Kentish architecture as izil’luenced by geo1oy... ‘with an introduction by the Dowager Lady Northbourne. IWith a bihliography.j pp. 54. stund 1 oIç 1.. 8°. Riag, 1934. A

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: STRONG (Archibald)


    i ARkSTRONG (Archibald), Jester. Archy’s Dream, sometimes lester to his Malestie, but exiled the Court by Canterburies malice, With a relation fr whom n odde chaire stood void in Hell. HINOLEY (Cahries), of Booksellerts Row, • Strand. The Old book collector’s miscellany, etc. Vol. 3. - London, 1B73.

    Card ID: 10

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    Author: BALLANYNJ (Archibald)


    BALLANYNJ (Archibald). Lard Carteret: a political biography, 1690—1763. pp. xii. + (2) + 428. 0 S . London, 1887. —

    Card ID: 501

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    Author: BOWER (Archibald)


    Porteus Lbrary 2 BOWER (Archibald).. Mr • Archibald Bower’ s Affidavit in answer to the false accusation brought against him by the Papists. To which are added...Copies of the...pretended letters sent him. by Sir Henry Bedingfeld...With some short observ— ations on those..letters, proving them to be spurious. pp. 49. 8°. London, 1756. p 49. is damaged, affeting_the

    Card ID: 200

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    Author: R (Archibald)


    Poi’1 BOflR (Archibald). § DELLON (C.) Dellon’s account of the Inquisition at Goa: a new translation from the French. With an appendix, containing an account of the escape of Archibald Bower...from the Inquisition at Maçerata in Italy. The second edition, corrected. London and Hull, 1815.

    Card ID: 203

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    Author: BOW (Archibald)


    BOW (Archibald). See [Hrs’roRrA LITTERARIA. I. Hjstoria litteraria; or, an exact and early account of the most valuable books published in the several parts of iurope, etc. [Edited by A. ±ower.] London, 1730—34.

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: L (Archibald)


    ft CAMPB1L (Archibald), 9th Earl of Argyll. Letters from Archibald, Ear]. of Argyll, to John, Duke of Lauderdale. (Appendix...Letters addressed by Sir A. Iamsay of Abbotshall to the Duke of Lauderdale, etc.) [Edited by Sir 0. Sinclair and C.K. Sharpe.] (]3annatyne Club, 33.) pp. 124. Port. and facnirns. Edinburgh, 1829.

    Card ID: 401

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    Author: IPBELL (Archibald)


    ‘— :tl,, — CAI!IPBELL (Archibald), Purser. — oI.1_I LUCIAN, of [Imitations, e1’c.] Lexiphanes: a dialogue. [By A. Campbeil, . jndo, 1767.

    Card ID: 404

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    Author: OLM (Archibald)


    7L QMISiOLM (Archibald). Gon8cience. Ita nature and authority. [With a bib1iography.] l934.

    Card ID: 460