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OMOND George William Thomson a:on george|k:0917 (3)
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OMOND, George William Thomson
PIGGOTT, Sir Francis Tyor and OMOND, George William Thomson
Author: OMOND (George William Thomson)
DEPOSITORy OMOND (George William Thomson). Belgium: painted by A. Forestier, text by G.W.T.Ornond. pp. ix. + 390. Folded map. 8°. London, 1908.
Card ID: 246
OMOND (George William Thomson). Belgium and Luxembourg. [With an introduction by J.Buchan and a bibliographical nate.] (The Nations of To—day: a New History of the World.) pp. xviii. + 263. Mps. - 0 8 . 1923.
Card ID: 248
Author: PIGGOTT (Sir Francis Ty1or) and OMOND (George William Thomson)
PIGGOTT (Sir Francis Ty1or) and OMOND (George William Thomson)0 Documentary history of the armed neutxaUt,ies, 1780—1800 together with selected documents re1atirg Lo the War of American Independence, 1776—1783, and the Dutch War 1780—1784. (“La of the Sea” Series. ‘ol. L) Po X2CVi1i + c2) Ti. 8° London, 1q19.
Card ID: 197