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OLSON Everett Claire (2)



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    Author: OLSON (Everett Claire)


    ecc’ Lr& i’: OLSON (Everett Claire). The Dorsal axial musculature of certain primitive Permian tetrapods: a part of a dissertation subinittecl...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (University of Chicago) ...193...Reprinted from Journal of Morphology, Vol. LIX. No. 2 June 1936. twith a bibliography. 1 pp. (2) + 2b5—31 I. Illustrations. 8°. Chlca, 196.

    Card ID: 17

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    Author: OLSON (Everett Claire)


    OLSON (Everett Claire). Late Permian terrestrial vertebrates, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. [With a bibliography.) pp. 22)+. Iljiistratiojs, maps, diagrams and tables. iladelphia, 1962. See PHILADELPHIA. American Philosophica). Soc ie . Transactions. New series, Vol.52, Part 2.

    Card ID: 18