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OLSCHKI Leonardo a:e |k:on (e) (3)
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OLSCHKI, Leonardo
Author: OLSCHKI (Leonardo)
4rF DANTE ALIGHIERI, [Divina Commedia - Inferno - ndix] See OLSCHKI (Leonardo). The Myth of’ felt. [An attempt to explain the meaning of the phrase “tra feltro e feltro” in Dante’s Inferno. j Berke and Los Angeles, 19)+9
Card ID: 467
DEPOSITORY OLSCHKI (Leonardo). La Poesia italiana del. cinquecento. (Cllana Critica.) pp. 64. nO o • Florezice, 19)3.
Card ID: 578
x OLSCHKI (Leonardo). Die rornani5chen Iiteraturen des Mittelalters. (Hand’,uh der Litraturwjssenschaft.) pp. 260. Portraits, plates. il1ustration simj.1ês anrp1djngp... 40 Potsdam 1928.
Card ID: 579