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OLIVER Edward James oliver (edward james) (5)
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OLIVER, Edward James
OLIVER, Francis wall and SALISBUR(, Sir Edward James
No Author available
BISHOP, torchard
Author: OLIVER (Edward James)
OLIVER (Edward James). Coventry Patmore. pp. 211. 8°. London, 1956.
Card ID: 281
Author: OLIVER (Francis wall) and SALISBUR( (Sir Edward James)
DVefg oh OLIVER (Francis wall) and SALISBUR( (Sir Edward James). Blakeney Point, Norfolk: topography and vegetation. (Reprinted froti the ransactiona of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society, IX., .) pp. 8. Plates, maps and diagram. 8. [London, 1913).
Card ID: 288
Author: No Author available
DVeg 0). i sAi.IsBuwf (Sir Edward James). See OLIVER (Franc is Wall) and SALISBURY- (Sir Edward James). Blakeney Point, Norfolk: topography and vegetation. (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Natmallstst Society, DC., Li.) 8°. [London, 1913).
Card ID: 431
Author: BISHOP (torchard)
VLeT SME Bis BISHOP (torchard), pseud. [i.e. Oliver STONOR.] Janes Smetham and Francis Danby: two 19th century romantic painters. [Some reflections on the career of James Smetham, with a catalogue of his pictures. 13y Morchard Bishop.— Francis Danby in Bristol, 1814_21.. By Edward Maims.] pp. 55. Plates. London, 1974.
Card ID: 208
Author: BIGGS (Jwes)
34 NYD& MIR Reference Cupboard Reference only BIGGS (Jwes). The History of Don Faricisco de Miranda1s attempt to effect a revolution in South America, in a series of letters. Dy a gentleman [James Biggsl who was an officer under that general, to his friend in the United States. To which are anne,ced, Sketches of the life of Miranda, and geographical notices of Caraccas. . .The second edition. 12°. Edward Oliver: Boston, 1810. See MIRANDA (Francisco de), General. [Appendix.]
Card ID: 438