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OLDOASTLE John on (john) (5)
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JILSON, Robert
No Author available
Author: OLDOASTLE (John)
OLDOASTLE (John), iseud. [i.e. Wilfrid MEYNELL.) Cardinal Newman: a nionograph...Being the October, 1890, number of Merry England. pp. 76.. portraits, plate, illustrations and acsizuile. 8°. London, 1890.
Card ID: 512
Author: JILSON (Robert)
JILSON (Robert), amatist. tFor editions of the play Sir John Oldoastle, attributed to Shakespeare, but more probably by A.Munday, JJ.Drayton, R.Wilson: and R.Hathwaye:] See S.KESPEARE (William). [Works attributed to Shakespeare. — Sir John Oldcastle.)
Card ID: 111
Author: No Author available
yfHU LONDON. M.1one society. [Reprints.) The Liee ot Sir John Oldoastle. t6oo. [Edited by P.Sirnpson.] pp. xvi. + (so). Fic similes. [Oxford printed], 1908. [Another copy.) C0NSOjT% ., ‘y:’’:1 [Iknother copy.] oc& See SE4KESPEAR (William). [Wrnics attributed to Shakespeare. — Sir John Oldcastle.]
Card ID: 247
Author: SIMPSON (Percy)
Y1-U-iU 3 SIMPSON (Percy). - See SHAKESPEARE (Williani). [Works attributel Shakespeare. — Sir John Oldoastle.] The Pirst part of the true and honorable historie of the life of Sir John Old— castle, the good Lord Cobham, £• [Attributed to Shakespeare, but more probably by A.Ahinday, M.Drayton, R.Wilson and R.Hathwaye. A type—facsimile of the edition of 1600, prepared by P.Simpson.1 [Oxford printed, 1908],
Card ID: 16
(eL!j&°c TUDOR FACSI1ILE TEXTS. SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works attributed, to Shakespeare. — Sir John Oldcastle.] Sir John Oldoastle.. “Writter:by William Shakespeare”.. 1600. (The first part of the true & honorable history of the life of Sir Iohn Old—castle.) [Attributed to Shakespeare, but more probably by A.Mimder, MJ3rayton, R. Wilson and R.Hathwaye.) (Reprodhced. in facsimile.) pp. (80).. [D.—L.L.J L.0• [ondon), 1911. Interleaved. Facsimiles of both the “ascribed” and “non- ascribed”‘titiepaes are included. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 293