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OLDE John on (john) (12)



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    Author: OLDE (John)


    ‘c OLDE (John). See EXBIE • New Testament. [English.) The First tone or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Neve Testamente. [Translated by Nicholas Udsil, Thons Caiua and !ry Tudor.](The Seconde tome or volume. . . (Translated by Miles Coverdale, John Olde, end others), etc. London, l59.

    Card ID: 517

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    Author: E (John)


    BIiI3E (John), Bishop of Ossory1 A Traged’ or enterlude Cm seven acts and in versel maryfestg the ohefe pronrses of God vnto man by all ages in the olde lawe, from the fall of Adam to the inoarnaoyon of the lorde Jesus Ohrist. (Reprint.3 DODSLEY (R.) A Select collection of old English plays... Fourth edition, Vol.1. pp. 277—322. London, 1874.

    Card ID: 205

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    Author: FRIJIINCK (Vliihelmina Paulina)


    L(4:zc c FRIJIINCK (Vliihelmina Paulina). OLDE .ANEVELD (Johan van. The Tragedy of Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt: anonymous Elizabethan play. [Attributed to Philip Massinger and John Fletcher.] Edited from the manuscript [B.M. Add. MS. 18653, written in 1619), with introduction ar4 notes, by W.P.Fri1inck, Anistercicim, 1922.

    Card ID: 256

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    Author: No Author available


    ye. OiJ OGLE (Sir John). The Lamentation of Troy for the death of Hector, wherevnto is annexed an olde womans tale in hir solitarie cell. By 1.0., 1594. Now first attributed to Sir John Ogle, 1569—1640, and edited by E.C.Wilson. Chicago [Iena1 printed), 1959. 0., I.

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: No Author available


    2. CHICAGO. Iflstltute of Elizabethan Studies. [Publications, Continued.] 3. 0. . The Lamentation of Troy for the dath of 1ector, wherevnto is annexed an olde womans tale in hir solitarie call. By 1.0., 159.4. Now first attributed to Sir John Ogle, 1569—1640, and edited by E.C.Wilson. 1959.

    Card ID: 466

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    Author: No Author available


    ECTOR, nce of Troy. The Lamentation of Troy for the death of Hector, wherevnto is annexed an olde wornans tale in hir solitarie cell. By I.0., 1594. Now first attributed to Sir John Ogle, 1569—1640, arid edited by E.C.Wilson. cago fKendaJ printed], 1959. .. 0., I.

    Card ID: 98

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    Author: No Author available


    i- j4i. %G..b1J RASTELL (Williani), of the Justices of the Court of Oeeis Bench. See RASTELL (3ohn), Printer. The Exposicions’of the termesof the lawes of England, with divers propre rules andpr±nciples of the lawe • . gathered- both in French and English [by John Rasteil], withthe olde tenures. [Edited by William Rastell.] [London, 1563).

    Card ID: 110

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    Author: WILSON (Elkin Calhoun)


    C- 013 WILSON (Elkin Calhoun). && 0., I. The Lamentation of Troy for the death of Hector, wherevnto is annexed an olde womans tale in Mr solitarie cell. By 1.0., 1594. Now first attributed to Sir John Ogle, 1569—1640, and edited by E.C. Wilson. Chicago [Kend1 printed],195S

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: No Author available


    e, tu 3 i. EASTELL (John), rinte. The Exposicions of the tertues of the lawes of England, with divers propre rules and principles of the lawe as well ot f the books of kaister Littleton as of other gathered both in French and -English [by John Rastell], with the olde tenures. [Edited by Will1m Rastell.) if. (3) + 140 + (3). 8°. [Rychard Tottell: Lonaon, 1563 The English. is in. Black Letter and the French in italic te. In his preface n Rastell [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 96

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    Author: No Author available


    • 012 ., I. 9c1 The Lamentation of Troy for the death of Hector, wherevnto is annexed an olde womans tale in hir solitarie coil.. By 1.0., 1594. Now.frst attributed to Sir John Ogle, 1569—164O,and edited by E.C. Wilson. (stitute of E1iabethan Studi, Publication 3.) pp. xxii. +W Facsimiles. 80. Chicano [icendal priritedl, 1959.

    Card ID: 6

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    S L J’— tCCL— BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [De Casibus Virorum Illustriuin.-. ng1ish,] A Treatise excellent and compdious, shewing... in nianer of tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable princes and princesses with other nobles...Translated into our English and vulgarE tong by Dan John tidgate. And now newly imprynted, corrected, and augmented out of diuerse...olde writen copies in parchment. (The daunce of Machabree. Made by John Lydate.) if. (9) + ccxxiiii. br rather, 225j. Woodcuts. fol. In .aedibs R.Tottelli: 1.Logdcn, 155+J. - [SEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 14

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    Author: No Author available


    -‘c7 (-‘ BIBLE. New Testament. (English.) The First tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmua upon the Neve Testarnente. [Translated by Nicholas Udail, Thomas Caiua arid Mary Tuder](The Seconde tome or volume.. . [Translated by Miles Coverdale, John Olde and Leonard Cox.) Whereunto is added a Paraphrase upon the Reuelacion of S.Iohn [written by Leo Juda and translated by Edmond Allen).) [With the text of the New 1’starnent, Great Bible version.) Vol. 1. [EM.w.) fol.Edwarde Whitchurohe:London, 31 Jan.l5E8[O,S.), 149. Imperfect; wantIng vol.2 and. sigs. Gg14—5, NNn14—5 and. LLLi,5—6,9-IO. The tit].epage to vol.1 (the title is enclosed within a woodcut [SEE NEXI’ CARD.)

    Card ID: 73