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OLD Carl a:e carl|k:on (e) (3)
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OLD, Carl
OLD, Carl Theodor Ernst von
Author: OLD (Carl)
cre MA!OLD (Carl). e JUVENCtJS (Caius Vettius Aqüilinus). C.Vettil .AquilInl luvenci Libri Evangeliorurn 1111. Ad fidem codicum antiquissimorum recognovit C .Marolcl. Leipzig, 1886.
Card ID: 79
DEPOSITORY EIN1OLD (Carl) srj-L. Die deutschen Frauen in dern Mittelalter... Zweite Auflage. 2 vols. 0 8 . V.enna, 1882.
Card ID: 284
Author: OLD (Carl Theodor Ernst von)
SIE]3OLD (Carl Theodor Ernst von). On tape and cystic worms, with an introduction on the origin of intestinal worms...Trans.Lated by T.t!.Huxley, g. London, 1857. LONDON. LIII. Miscellmeous Institutions, Societies, Sydenharn Society. [Publications.]
Card ID: 358