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OL Alfred ol (alfred) (8)
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OL, Alfred
ALE, William Alfred
HARDING, Harry Alfred
ANOOD, Harold Alfred
COTJRT, Ednond Louis Antoine do and GONCO!JRT, Jules Alfred de
No Author available
Author: OL (Alfred)
EERThOL (Alfred). A Ristory of Hebrew civilization... Trnalated [from the German] by A. K. Dallas. p. 399. 50• London, [1926.]
Card ID: 159
Author: FRANKENSTEIN (Alfred Victor)
folio 33 VLbR cop Fra FRANKENSTEIN (Alfred Victor). The World of Copley-, 1738—1815. By Alfred Frankenstein and the Editors oL Time—Life. coks. (Time-Life Library of Art.) pp. and illus. - New York, 1970.
Card ID: 65
Author: ALE (William Alfred)
AC3 NNU ZEA ALE (William Alfred). See IfEALE (William) and (William Alfred). Centur3r or conflict, 1821—1913: incidents in the lives of Wiiliam Neale and William A. Neale, early settlers in South Texas. ited by J.C. BybUr22 and V.K. Rayburn, with the assistance ol .N. Fry. 8°. Waco, 1966.
Card ID: 329
Author: HARDING (Harry Alfred)
HARDING (Harry Alfred). Analysis of form as displayed in Beethoven’a thirty—two pianoforte sonatas, with a description of the foma of each movemaL for the use of students. (NoveUo’Msjc Primers and Educational Series.) pp. iv. + 6’?. £ol. London and New ork, [19011.
Card ID: 381
Author: ANOOD (Harold Alfred)
ST[rLI’G LIFAR( FEEEC OL( - IdANOOD (Harold Alfred). Bread and vinegar. (The beginning of wisdom.) pp. 39. Frontipiece. 8°. White Owl Press: London, 1931. No. 14 of 205 copies signed by the author the first 2Oig on jaeséIIiiAZLea?fr6m a fair copy of the title story is bound j. S.L.C. II. 34S
Card ID: 32
Author: COTJRT (Ednond Louis Antoine do) and GONCO!JRT (Jules Alfred de)
oL GOIcCOTJRT (Ednond Louis Antoine do) and GONCO!JRT (Jules Alfred de). Journal: iumoires de la vie litt6raire, lContiriued.] Vie des freres Goncourt, précédant le Journal d’Edmond et Jules de Goncourt. jBy’)...CA.Billy). 3 vols. Portraits and fac sicuilos. 80. tIonaco, 1956.
Card ID: 257
Author: No Author available
sE::: CS.LJ II ECoppard — 1933] l.-rC OL’( COPPARD (Alfred Ed8ar). Dunicy Fitlow: tales. pp. 320. London, 1933. No. 112 of an edition limited to 300 copies signed by the author.
Card ID: 105
OCCASIONAL PAPERS Ol SOCIAL Ar*INISTRATION. Occasional papers on social administration. [Continued.] 21. LYNES (Tony). French pensions. 1967. (ftt) 22. PARKER (Roy Alfred). The erits of council houses. 1967. 23. HACLX)D (Roy 14.) Treasury control and social administration: a study of establishment growth at the Local Government Board, 1871—1905. 1968. (SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 353