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OIAIG Sir Algernon Tudoz’ Tudor— a:oiaig sir algernon tudoz’ tudor—|k:0208 (1)
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OIAIG, Sir Algernon Tudoz’ Tudor—
Author: OIAIG (Sir Algernon Tudoz’ Tudor—)
f OIAIG (Sir Algernon Tudoz’ Tudor—) K.B.E Armoria]. porcelain of the eighteenth century... With a foreword by Sir H.Farnharn burke. pp. (4) + vi. ÷ 136. P].atee. [.Lt.L.] 0 4 . London, l92. The plates, with the ecepion of threeL are included in the pagination. Edition lirnlteô. to 1000 copies, of which this is no.483.
Card ID: 447