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OGBURN William Fielding a:on william|k:it (william) (5)
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OGBURN, William Fielding
OGBURN, William Fielding and JAFFE, William
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Author: OGBURN (William Fielding)
DEPOSiO1t’i OGBURN (William Fielding). Considerations in choosing problems of research. WAShuI’GTON (COLwaBIA). Broolcings Institution. Essays on research in the social sciences, . pp. 161—171. Washington, 1951.
Card ID: 519
OGBURN (William Fielding). Progress and uniformity in child—labor legislation: a study in statistical measurement. New Yoç, 1912. NEW YORK. nJumb1&JTnjvArsity. Studies in history economics and public law. Vol. 48. to. 2.
Card ID: 520
Author: OGBURN (William Fielding) and JAFFE (William)
MREU 0g1 OGBURN (William Fielding) and JAFFE (William). The Economic development of post—war France: a survey of production. (Social and EcOnOmic Studies of Post—War France, 3.) pp. xii, 613. Bibi, maps, charts and tables. Hew York, 1929.
Card ID: 522
Author: No Author available
- tl.2.. kN L C OGBTJEU (William Fielding). NI1OFF (Lt. F.) The Farnily...Under the ed&torship of W. F. Ogburn. TO8ton1 Mas6 ,l934,
Card ID: 521
I (I NEW YORK. Colibia Univ erjty... Council for Re arch in the Social S ci nc e s. Social and econic studies of post—war France. . .Edited by C.J.H.Hayes. 3. OGBURN (William Fielding) and JAFF (Williani). The ECOflOL’uio development of post—war France: a survey of produ.ction. Iwit: a bibliography.) pp. xii. ‘+ 6i. Charts, tables and maps. 80. York, 1929. See COBURN VI’ -‘ - -- ‘‘ - -d JAFFWT
Card ID: 185