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O Will -1nry a:j \%i|k:j(i) (456)
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O, is
O, Eduardo
O, Shunkiobi
O, Dámaso
O, Joseph
O, f
O, lodovico
O, Gaetano
O, Giu&eppe
O, Puoio
O, with Cara
O, (iovanni
O, Carlo
O, Vitaliano
O, Umberto
O, Clemens
O, Franz
O, Giorgio
O, Giordano
O, Itorst
O, nw
O, Stariislao
O, Giacomo
O, Jrme
O, jrme
O, Adelqui
O, Homero
O, Amêrico
O, Rosal!a at
O(, Bruce
O, Robert
O, Noel
O, Sherrili
O, Arrigo
O, Cristoforo
O, Pedro
O, Lngel
O, Frwacisco
O, John
O, Samuel
O, J-,(
O, Angel
O, Iac
O, Giacoino
O, Bernal
O, nua
O, Nicolas
O, Georges
O, Niecolô
O, AntoDio
O, Gabriello
O, Antonio
O, Toinasso
O, tdarsiglio
O, Marsjio
O, Marcel
AN, Jemes o
O, Praniz
O, Giulic
O, Luis
O, JohnQeorge
O, Jean
O, pemo
O, Paolo
O, paolo
O, Juan
O, Dougas
O, washington
O, Stare
O, Frnnz
O, Tomni
O, Mario
O, Joaquirn
O, luiB
O, Fc
O, Ottn
O, Edward
O, Lidi
O, Thomas
O, Gabriel
O, Maurice
O, Cainpo
O, Agustin
O, Geoffrey
O, Jame
O, Neil
O, Onuphrio
O, Ernillo
O, Miguel
O, Jn
O, Gustavo
O, publius
O, iubius
O, Antonino
O, Luiz
O, Jocph
O, Vilfrecio
O( C
O, Paulino
O, Uaterlna
O, :ariano
O, Deoio
O, Smuel
O, Ant&iioide
O, Cesar
O, Pierre
O, Is Correa
O, JameB
O, José
O, Pasqualino
O, Arrio
O, Eune
O, Wilhelm
O, iuggiero
O, Jacopo
O, Caterina
O, Jniian
O, iccardo
O, Carlos
O, Sebastiano
O, ai
O, Niccolb
O, Paul
O, Giovanni
O, Enrique
O, Friedrich
O, August
O, Luigi
O, Alfred
O, Italo
O, Ton
O, Aflred
O, Otto
O, William
O, Giuseppe
O(( ;
O, Alessandro
O, Veera
O, Karmenu
O, Publius
O, Pubijus
O, PubliuE
O, Gnnar
M, o
O, Gioaeffo
O, William, Professor o Chernisry in th Tlniver—
ABBOTT, John s’o
ACEVEDO, mrdo Blanc o
O, Fulton Henry
O, John Parker
JZIC, Gabriele o’
ARCHER, Sellera o
O, Niecolô d’
ARIOSTO, Lodovic o
AGA, Juan pej o
O, John Christopher
O, Luis de
O, Leodegrio Anarnte de
I, Po
NESI, p(o
O, Luis Pereira
O, Edith Clara
BEARE, Philip O’sullivan
O, Jose Dmiert
O, Pie cro
O, Walter Arthur
BINDING, Rudolf o-org
BQAS, Henrietta O’Brien
BOAS, Henrietta O’Brien
O, Henry Hector
O, Henry Heotor
O, Mldres Brim cie
OS, Alessanth’o
BURNS, O Delisle
O, Thons Leonard
BUTLER, O:’irstina Violet
O, George Gordon Noel
O, Guiraut de
O, Lino Novas
O, oberto Querejazu
CAMPBLL, Georr’o Douas
O, Jea& Arengo
O, Julio Prez
O, cajus Ateiiw
O, Paolo Filiasi
O, José Camacho
O, Laerte Ramos de
O, Pablo Gil
Z, Ju o
O, Raf ffctor
O, Hernando de
O, Giovanni de
YROSSI, Adolf o de
OHADSIY, O]arles !rnest,
O, Marcus Tullius
O, Marcus-Tullius
O, Marcus Tuflius
O, iáarcus Tullius
E, L o
O, Reginald John
I, Din o
O, Jose MarIa de
O, Manuel Bartoom
CROCE, Benedett,o
CROSBY, Jamee O’Hea
TES, August,o
O, Friedrioh Wihm
O, vid Vernon
FAIL, o!
O, David Edward
EDWARDS, Albert o
O, Dwight David
ELIAS, Taslim O]Awale
O, maias Jos Garcia
O, viltredo Kapsout
O, Bernardo canal
O, Jose Iria
O, IIooo? Uo
FOX, o:ras EllIot
O, Armaio Abad
O, Antonio Fieren
GAMA, Vas’o da
A, Vasc,o da
O, Carl Wilhelm
GONZALEZ, Ariost,o Doiziingo
SALL, Robert o]d
O, Thaciceray Felix
EBJ, Adolf o
O, Francisco de
O, Leon Pol
O, Ldon ‘o
O, j iTred
O, iLrop Still
O, victor Marie
O, Vtctor Mii
HU(O, Victor Larie
HULL, (o’don Ferri’
UNTINGFORD, George Iea*o
O, Pilliam Hcen
HERNAMEZ, Adolf o Jimenez
JUDD, Denis O’Nsn
JUILLAND, Alphonse o
O, Kienzli KIENIL, WiThelm
O, ViadiLnir Galaktionovich
O, orIo ‘ iAi
O, Thomas Joseph
O, Wifliam John
LEE, Froder±o Sohiller
ANN, Car o lus
O, Franz von
O, Alfonso ocsmpo
LOPES, Fern’o
VIEIBA, Ai’o nso
O, Giovanni Francisco
LUDIN, Adolf o
MAM, EcIwarclWilliani O’Flaherty
MACMI, Buh O’Donophue
O, Edrarci eander
INNES, Edward O’Hara
WIDOUDO, Samuel Dan o
MANJARE, jui±o
MANN, O’iborg
IAANZONI, Alessnth’o
O, flit Gaston
CI, Co o de’
O, Kurt Alfred George
O, Mary Philadelphia
O, Ra>ha
MONDOLFO, Rodoif o
O, David Binnin€
O, Adolfo sais
O, Jos Bento
MOORE, Ainsworth O’Brien
O, FIortensa Ceballos de
O, Jacob Len
O, Jack Erla
MORRIS, William O’Connor
MORRIS, William O’Corinor
O, John James
O, jose Antonio Ignacio
LEZ, pauisno Machon-o
O, Publius Oviêiu
O, Nariana de
O, Arturo iBtOS
PI, Adoo
O, Antcnio LuiB tachado
O, Henrique Maximisno CoeTho
O, David ,
O, Benito Gaya
OMODEO, Adolf o
ORTI, Alfons o
O, Giovanni Battista
O, Loreuzo Minio—
O, Enrique Jorge
PARRY, O!are Tenry
O, Melville Watson
O, Eduardo Marques
PIERCE, Watson O’Dell
O, ir Arthur Ving
O, fir Arthur Wing
O, Ferno Mendes
O, Caius Asinius
O, Lino de
PRICHARD, Kate O’Brien
O, Sir George Walter
O, MuiJ-ino Comes
O, Angel del
S, !o r ey
O(Efl, t
GOSSELIN, Marie o,ninique
O, Pierre cie
ROSS, Hugh Mum’o
ROSS, Woodburn o
O, Mercedes Rairez de
A, Fernando uril],o
RYDER, Eric O}ares
ROCHA, AntOno dos
O, Rubn Anara
SCHAEFER, Josephine O’Brien
O, Francisco t,ez
O, Harry Lionel
I, Dorothy o
O, Ernest Darwin
O, Dolores Boriet do
O, Alberto Landzuri
O, Joz Maria de
SEERE, Francis O
TASSO, Torqnat,o
O, Gertrude Oaton—
O, lvaxus pMi
O, Jose !wnos
O, Mareu Tulliu
O, Fernando Bayrôn
O, Francisco Fernandez
O(ZNI, Giovanni Pierio
VAUGHAN, Oares John
VELLIJI, Donat,o
O, ?ietro aoo
A, Tomas Yen’o
WAKB, J o an
IEISSE, Oiristian Felix
O, John Dover
O(-j, (i
ZTJR, anci sc o
BADELLI, Fraio e so o
BARR, Hugh and O’LEARY, Erica
BINTI, Du’o’ng Thanb
O, Charles d’Anglure de
GAPELLO, Jo’o Carlo de
BROWNE, O’Donel Thornley Dodwell
CALLES, Plut arc o Elias
BMAL, Francis o Virgilio Sevillano
O, MarIa , de Andra
AW, Robert William, o the C
O, Herman Robert and KAHi, lison
JAMES, o if e Arno Soott—
AT, Mars o Loul Aphone do
LYNAM, Edward ilim O’Flaherty
LYNAN, Edward Wifliam O’Fluherty
MACRAJO, anue and MRCWJO, Axitonio
ROMC, Jo’o Antonio de
RXAM, John O and STOCK, Chester
O, Oflia Milheiro Caldas Paiva
RIORDAN, Cor Holrne O’Conneil
RIORDAN, Conal Flolmes O’Connell
N, Con Home O’Connell
RIORDAN, Conal Holmes O’Connell
O, Sir Arthur W r
EZ, Adolf o mis Gonzez
SCTQN, John Joseph O’Brien
TOBIN, Prudence ry O’Raxa
O, t•llo hac
O, Luis Wegr&, NEccb AWNø, Luis
BELL, William Jame and O’Icyj, John Alfred
OABRAL, Estiava and F&, Faust,o del
CIBRAL, Estav’o and RE, Faüsto dei
P, John, Fellow o Ben’et College
S, o aa’ R amond
JRRY, Jazv o s or ik d
O, Gabriel Jean Baptiste rnest Wilfred
UR, ctai!na de los Ro
LYNAM, Edward William O’Fa’ierty
WER, Raymond and tiI’iC[O, Joe
ARKS, Stct>hen ?o’iys
PAULA, Francisco Juli!o Arr- de
L, o PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, Giovanni Francesco
REID, Sir George Aro’ida O’Brien
SAUER, Car, O,rtwin and BRAND, Donald
SMITH, Henry Lester and O’DELL, Edgar Alvin
SOUSA, J<*o da Cruz e
WAGNER, Dieter, Journalist and o wrrz, Gerhard
T, Fari’is, i,o ani CADV, Waiter Guyton
O, Pinn Efl,abeth, afterwards AENIM, Anna Elisabeth von
HALL, Jaes,Geocst o the Stat”f New York and VITJIah iM
HS, Edwin James Thous and O(JLTON, Anthony Derek Maxwell
BADICATI, Alberto Count di ?asserano See VENURI, Franc o
RICHABDSON, Eohri, Author of “A Critical enquiry int,o t,he grounds of
VNN, Joha,’eow o ion’rie_and Oaus Ooe, ‘
Author: O (is)
ID L2a Sai SArlO (is). A Study of ‘Piers the wman, rith specia]. reference to the pardozi scene of the ‘Visio’. pp. vii, 262. ToJro1 [19663.
Card ID: 505
Author: O (Eduardo)
53 Atlases 117 For refcronce only ACEVEJY) LA1O (Eduardo). See BOGOTA (COLOMBIA). Ins titutQ Googrfio - ‘Agimtin Codaz i . Atlas cle Colombia. (piaaiecc y dirjiiS is obra: E. Acevedo Latorre.) [Bogota, 1967].
Card ID: 487
Author: O (Shunkiobi)
DEPOSifORY AKI!109?O (Shunkiobi). See NAKAMJRA (IC.). Lord Ii Noasuké and New Japan. Translated and adapted by Stunkiobi Aidmoté from Ii Tairo to Kaikö. by Katsumaro Nakamara, [Yokohfla 1909.]
Card ID: 310
Author: O (Dámaso)
ALON$O (Dámaso). Dos espaiole8 del Siglo de Oro, Un poeta madri1e?ista, latinista y francesista en la niitad del si1o XVI: (D.Juan Hurtado de Mendoza). El Fabio de la “Epstola moral” [of Andrs Fernandez de AndradaJ: su cara y cruz en Méjico y en Espafla. (Biblioteca Rornánica Hispänica, II. Estudios y Ensayos, 45.) pp. 257. 8. Madrid, 1960.
Card ID: 370
Author: O (Joseph)
• cPOSITOR7 A1DR3O (Joseph), Keeper of the iationa1 Museum of the Antiquaries of ci land. Scotland in pagan times. The iron age. (The bronze and. stone ages.) The Rhind Lectures in Arohaeo1ogr for 188). (1882). 2 vole. ontisieoe. and illustrations. 5° Edinbu., 1883—86.
Card ID: 99
Author: O (f)
flLepaSLtO (f)/4Y9 ANDREWS (Hilda. Frances). Modern harmony: an elementary analysis. pp. (8) + 38. 8°. LQn4, 1934.
Card ID: 249
Author: O (lodovico)
XML AEBa Mig ARIOSrO (lodovico). [4pendix.1 See )CGMN (Mairice). ttudeà áur lé thfltre français et italien cie la Renaissance.’ [with stecial reference to tiosté and to Jean Tixièr de Ravisy, knat& as R&risiuw 93xtor. I (R4impression d.e 1’dition de Paris, 3423.) Getva, 1975.
Card ID: 541
Author: O (Gaetano)
BAGL!O (Gaetano). - lie Origini di Gesi in rapporto alla storia del Re Erode e al messianismo da Daniele a S.Paolo. pp. viii. + 203. 8°. Naples, 1939. Presentation copy sed by the author.
Card ID: 374
Author: O (Giu&eppe)
BALSAI4O (Giu&eppe), calling himself unt Alessandro di CAGLIOSTRO. See PROTIpJS (C.) Lea Vies du comte de Cagliostro. Paris, [1932.J
Card ID: 155
Author: O (Puoio)
XMU 2 55G BBA!O (Puoio). Le Pietre, 1’iore: romanzo. (II edIziore.) (Scrittori Italiani e Stranieri.) pp • 292. [Milan], 2976.
Card ID: 417
Author: O (with C2ara)
‘K 167a Bat BAThO (with C2ara). The Ettriok shepherd CJsmee ftog4 pp. zd, 233. Cambridge, 192?. Originally written as a thesis for the degree of u.k. in the University of london.
Card ID: 329
Author: O ((iovanni)
EOCCACC1O ((iovanni). ecaierone.-Gerzan.] Decaeron von 1. 8teinhwel Berausgegeben von A. von Keller. See STUTGiRT. Ltterrischer Yere,jn. Eiblicthek des literariochen Vereine in Stuttgart. Vol. 51. Stuttgart, 1660.
Card ID: 57