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NVO Alexanlor LIe a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (1)



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    Author: NVO (Alexanlor LIe)


    NVO (Alexanlor LIe). ConsIlIa contra Jaeos roenerntes. 46 leaves. to1. rI3IrLcf reussnr: PIIrbr4, 147. CotttLon:— a — , I (unIgnea). Fc.(l); o:enk. •()a PrIuuj uaI..Ius duajnI 1.exantrI d’uuo VIncInI. IJrIa vtrIwI doct.orI. contra IuIeos CInIøranto./ Fo.(45)° .Int 2...VIrtI autarIta.em aoeo.uAnII oIunjta/tca UU Ca re d. t.crjto. IcarI9 nro tranaaILttaus .f j$,OfrJCtOflJ ajI VcrRbjks necnon tIe WJdoctorId AcandrI / le euo contra Iude,a tcncrontes xpIoIunt tc.jcItr. Ia/pasa. In Im.&IaI cIuItat Iu4bergo. FrILcrIcIü Crau/ncr fate cIuIteIs Inca. ub Anho InoarnatIonja äomInIoc / Lj.eajao— 4UaI rI ngnnta I,oaeptuageaIIcOnoflo./ ?o.(43): arc. utbIc toxL Wjtout, aInatUrca, catchIord3 or numerIon. S5 IInes. Thrc—. four—, fIvc—, nIx—dnn capIta. apnoca: nrubrIoat. Soze or the .eavea ILrc £uoI In tbI copy. Tlre ro oooaaIon& US. ncLo In th zargIn3, IvflIch have bøon out. ThIa Ia an ezry IaçreeIon: the wotcl ereLe ,rhjch occura t. OO.Ophon Ootcted errIj Ir Iater ooIea.

    Card ID: 571