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NUISH Robert a:in robert|k:0233 (1)



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    Author: NUISH (Robert)


    rL!NG LIERRY ONLY NUISH (Robert). Memoirs of George the Fourth, [Continued.) [Another copy.) With a secpzd1, engraved titlepage1_dted 1831A in each volume. First issued in parts. The front wrapper of part 5 and, a note concerning the work are bound in at the end of vol. 2. Extra—illustrated by the insertion of numerps portraits and other plates some hand—coloured. pp. 1—16 of William Hone’s The political house that Jack built (firie paper edition 1819) and_The Q.ueeia matrimonial ladder (44th edition1 1820) are bouud in at the end vol. 2. S.L.C., )V. 24.

    Card ID: 63