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NT Charles (4)



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    Author: NT (Charles)


    Bt0NT (Charles). Mc*! Simon do Montfort, Earl o Leicester, 1208- 1265...New edition,. translated by- E.F. Jacob. [With a bibliography.] pp. xxix. + 303. Plates and folded racsimile. 0 8 . Oxford, 1930. [another ciopy.] [Another copy.] S WQ [L.nother copy.]

    Card ID: 363

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    Author: NT (Charles)


    LFORJtNT (Charles). Architecture antique. [By C. Lenorrnant, etc.) Paris, [1839. [Revised edition.) Architecture gallo— romaine et architecture dunoye2-ge, par... M. Lenorrnant, etc. Paris, 18’7. See FRANCE. fAppendix. - History and Politice.) Collection do documents in&its stir l’histoire do France, etc. [No. flOa. I1ThUCTTflNS.. Tiiitruotioñs,:etc.J

    Card ID: 3

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    Author: NT (John Charles)


    33 NQ3 Fre Reference only FR’10NT (John Charles). The cpeditions of John Charles Frmont. . .EcIited. by Donald Jackson and Mary Lee Spence. Vol.1, etc. Ports., illus., facaims. and maps. Urbana, Ill., 1970-73. In progress. 1. Travels from 1838 to l814. 1970. [1, Supplement.) Map portfolio. 1970. 2. The Bear Flag Revolt and the court martial. 1973. 2, Supplement. Proceedings of the cprt martial. (A facsimile reprint of the Senate document cf 18148.) 1973. p& *‘iRg

    Card ID: 207

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    Author: NT (Charles ii)


    DEPOITORX GRAND3NT (Charles ii). The teaching o’ Prench and Gern n our p’blio high 3ohöols, See ELLT C)rpT (ftar on )4ar eha 11) Methods of teaching modern ianguage3, eta. Bostofl, 11915L

    Card ID: 445