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NOTH Martin a:der rudolf|k:der (rudolf) (2)
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NOTH, Martin
Author: NOTH (Martin)
pNCpc) NOTH (Martin). Developing lines of theological thought in Oeritany...Translated by J.Bright. Fourth annual bibliographical lecture...[atJ Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. [With a bibliography.) pp. 29. 8°. [Richmond1 Va.,1 1963. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 542
Not NOTH (Martin). Gesamrnelte Studien zurn Alten Testaniènt. Dritte, urn einern weiteren Arthang vermehrte Auf].ae. (II. Hit einem Naebr.ff von Rudolf Smend und der von Hermann Schu1t zusamniengestellten Bibliographic. Eeraugegeben von Hans Walter Wolff.) (meologisohe BLicherei, 6, 39.) 2 vols, inich, 1966-69.
Card ID: 543