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NORWOOD Richard norwood (richard) (7)



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    Author: NORWOOD (Richard)


    (PMJM tLf) T63L-fr’ NORWOOD (Richard), Mathematician. The Sea—mans practice, contayning a fvndamentalj. probieme in navigation, experimentally verified, namely, touching the compasse of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measures. Also an exact method,...of keeping a reckoning at sea... With...tables, etc. pp. (12) + 140 ror rather 164]. Diagrams.’- - [De M.] 0 . — 4 • Printed for G. Hurlock: London, 1r37. The pg.nation is irregular - in articuLar . 29—115 are numbered 31—117 and pp. 1114 are numbered 95—14C Sig. Q4 is not included in the pagination; it bears a Tapm which is intMftr he cut out and attached tc that on the revious page (16).

    Card ID: 414

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    Author: No Author available


    [2. NORWOOD (Richard), heattcian. Norwood’s Epitomie, a• [CONTINUED.) Page of the Epitomie is incorrect1umbered 1. Cropped. - With MS. corrections and notes.

    Card ID: 413

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    Author: No Author available


    . HAYWARD (Walter Brownell). See NGBWOOD (Richard), of the Bermudas. The Journal of Richard Norwood, surveyor of Bermuda. (1639.) With introductions by W.F.Craven and W.B.Hayward, etc. New York 19L1.5.

    Card ID: 396

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    Author: CRAVEN (Wesley ank)


    N CRAVEN (Wesley ank). See iORWOOD (Richazd), of the The Journal of Richard Norwood, surveyor of Bermuda. (1639.) with introductions by W.F.Craven etc. New York, 19L.5.

    Card ID: 333

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    Author: No Author available


    2. NORWOOD (Richard), Latienjatician. Trigonometrie, etc. [CONTINUED.) canon logarithmical; or, a Table or artificial sines, tangents, and the complements arithmnetical.of sines, 2 parts in 1 vol. grams. [L.I.] 40. London, 1678. ges 171-173 of the first part (the Trionometrie) are incorrect]ynumbered _263-16

    Card ID: 416

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    Author: No Author available


    ia (yJcic4 - - ----- CtDs cNo [l. NORWOOD (Richard), Mathematician. C Norwood’s Epitomie, being the appication of the doctrine of triangles in certain problemes concerning., the uae Of the plain sea—chart and Mercators chart, being. the two most usual kinds of sailing. With a table of artificial sines, tangents, and the complement’s arithmetical of sines supplying the use of secants... Also a ‘chiliad, or the logarithmes of absolute numbers from a unite to 1000, with a table of the right ascension and declination of the sun ...Whereunto is added the farther use of the fore—named tables in questions that concern navigation, astronomie and geographie. 2 parts in 1 vol. [De M.] - London, 1659. [See next card.]

    Card ID: 412

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    Author: No Author available


    LThaA&]. L’ cI1irs& Sec-&. tc:i- lertrr.. NORWOOD (Richard), Mathemattcjan. ‘I Trigonometrie; or, the Doctrine of triangles, divided into two books, the-first showing the mensuration of right lined triangles, the second of spherical, with the grounds and deznon— strations thereof, both performe4 by... logarithms.. .Whereunto is annexecx. • trea3ise of the application thereof in thekprincipal kinds of sailing. With exact tables of the suns declination also other necessary tables used in navigation - - .Seventh edition.. .corrected.. .new tables...added...and the whole work...en— larged, etc. (Chilias 1-10. - A Thangular [See nezt card.)

    Card ID: 415