
Search Term (count):

NORTH William a:th william|k:it (william) (5)



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    Author: NORTH (William)


    NORTH (William), of the Aciént Order of Druids. Dr Wiliam [sic .1 Stukeley und. seine Missetaten in der Altertumsf’orschung...Ubersetzt von Dr. R5der. (oruidenzeitung, 34. Jahz’gang. Nr. .) pp. 72—7. Plan4. 40 Munich, 1932. With MS. corrections bJ the author. Bound with his Die Feldsüge des Suetonius Pau1iaus etc

    Card ID: 422

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    Author: NORTH (William)


    NORTH (William), of th Ancient Order c.f Druids. Who was Hurle, the founder of the A.O.D. (Ancit Order of Druids)? [From the East London Observer, Aug.6 to Sept.17, 1932.] 8 leaves. 8°. London, 1932. This cony consists of the newsDaDer cuttings oasted y the author on eight sheets bound together.

    Card ID: 426

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    Author: NORTH (William)


    NORTH (William), of tjae Ancient Order f Druids. [Who was Hurle, the Founder of the A.O.D.? - Gjrrnan.J We war flurle, die OrUnder des Alten Ordens der Druiden?...tTbersetzt von C.H.Dannmeyer. [Reprinted from Beilage zur Druidenzeitung, 1930, Nr.12.] pp. 178-183. Il1ustration. maps and facsimile. fol. [Mun&ch printed,] 1930. Printed on one side of the paper only. Catalogued from the caotion.

    Card ID: 427

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    Author: NORTH (John William)


    NORTH (John William). See LONDON. [111. Miscellaneous I.nstit,utions, Societies, etc.) Old. Water—Colour Society’s Club. The Old Wa.t1er—Colour Society’s Club, fifth annual volume, etc. (John William North, .R..., R.W.S.T842—l924. By H.&lexander. [With a list of works exhibited.)) pp. 3>-9. London, 1928.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: CE (William North)


    DP33!TORV RiCE (William North). Problems of Anaerica.n geology: a series of leottres dealing with some of the problems of the Canadian Shield and of the Cordifleras, delivered at Yale University on the Sillirnsia Foimdation...l9l3, by W.N. Rice, P.D. Adams, A.P.Coleman C.D. Walcott, W. Lindgren, P.1. Ransome [andl W.D. Matthew. pp. cvii.,4 505. Plates and maps. 0 !eveUaven, 1915.

    Card ID: 652