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NORTH, Thomas
NORTH, j Thomas
NORTH, k Thomas
NORTH, Sir Thomas
WHITEHEAD, Thomas North
Author: NORTH (Thomas)
EOS1TQRy NORTH (Thomas), oi Le.cester. A Chronc1e of the Church of S. Martin in Leicester, during the reignsof Henry-VIfl., Edward VI., Jdary and Elizabeth, with some account of its minor altars and ancient guilds.. Compi1d from original and conteri— poraneous documents by T. North. With illustrations. pp. xv. t (i) + 253. 80 Ldd Licster, i866.
Card ID: 412
— NORTH (Thomas), of Leicester. °‘. .The Church bells of Northamptonshire, their inscriptions, traditions, and peculiar uses, with chapters on bells and the Northants bell founders...Y’ith illustrations. pp. xvii. + (3) + 471 + (i). [P.M.L.J 40• Leist, 1878.
Card ID: 413
Author: NORTH ( Thomas)
XPL cqz)L NORTH ( Thomas). § GUEVARA (Antonio de), successively jhop of Guadix and of Mondo5edo. Llaibro aureo de Marco Aureijo. — English.] The Djall of rinces...Trans1ated by Sir Thomas North. Being select passages now set forth with an introduction and a bibliography by K.N.Golville. 8. London, 1919.
Card ID: 418
Author: NORTH (j Thomas)
NORTH (j Thomas). lFor the translatiàn of Plutarch’s ‘Lives’ by Sir Thomas North:] See PLUTARCH. [Vitae Parallelae. - English. — North’s Translation.1
Card ID: 415
Author: NORTH (k Thomas)
NORTH (k Thomas). See HENLEY (William E.) The Tudor translations, 7—12. Plutarchts Lives of the noble Grecians and liomans, Englished by Sir T. North, . ondon, 1895-96.
Card ID: 419
Author: NORTH (Sir Thomas)
NORTH (Sir Thomas). SHAKESPEARE (W.) [Julius Caesar.] Julius Csar,,,With illustrations from North’s Plutarch, Londop, 1909.
Card ID: 420
Author: WHITEHEAD (Thomas North)
DEPGGITORY WHITEHEAD (Thomas North). The Design and use of instruments and accurate mechanism: underlying principles. pp. xii. + (2) + 283. Plates., diagrams and tables. 8°. New York, 194.
Card ID: 373