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NORTH John Wesley be (john) (6)



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    Author: NORTH (John Wesley)


    NW NOR Sto NORTH (John Wesley). See STONEROtJSE (trlin). John Wesley North end the reform frontier. a., Minneapolis, 1965.

    Card ID: 398

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    Author: POWELL (John Wesley)


    IfIEPOSITORI POWELL (John Wesley). See UNII’ED STaTES OF AMERICA. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Geographical and Geological Survy of Me RockMountairt. Region. Contributions to North AmerIcan ethnology. f Published under the superintendence of J. W. Powell.j Washington, 1881—93.

    Card ID: 126

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    Author: THOMAS (John Wesley)


    + ___ _ft THOMAS (John Wesley), Profesor. German verse from the 12th to the 20th century, in English translation. [An anthology. Poems translated and edited) by J.W.Thoiuas. (University of North Carolina Studies in the Girmanie Lanugesii Literatures, 44.) pp. (14)-i- 1O. 8. Chapel Hill, N.C.,[Assen printed, 1963).

    Card ID: 95

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Germanic languages and literatures. [Continued.] 60. THOMAS (John Wesley), Professor. Medieval German lyric verse in English- translation. [An Lc4vL anthology. Poems translated and edited by] JW. Thomas. 1968. 61. BEST (Thomas Waring). The Hunanist Ulrich von Hutten: a reappraisal of his humor. 1969. 62. KURTB (Lieselotte E.) Die zweite Wirklicbkeit: Studien zum Roman des achtzehnten Jahrunderts, [with special reference to Germany].. 1969. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 87

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    Author: STONEROUSE (Merlin)


    NEW NOR Sto STONEROUSE (Merlin). John Wesley North and the reforzn frontier. pp. xiii. + 272. Portraits snd plates. 80. Minneapolis, 1965.

    Card ID: 526

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    WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). SmithBonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology. [Continued.] ct 13. WYMAN (Leland Clifton). Sandpaintings of the Navaho Shootingway and the Walcott Collection. 1970. 14. PO4ELL ohn Wesley). Anthropology\f the Numa: John Weley Powell’s 2anuscripts onkhe Numic peoples of western North America, i86&i880. Don D. Fowler and ‘therine S.’ Fowler, editors. 1971. (it.

    Card ID: 237