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NORTH John to (john) (219)



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    Author: NORTH (John)


    (—1 )6r-4 NORTH (John), ftve1i5t. North—West Europe, 1944—5: the achievement of 21st Irmy Group. [With a bibliography.] (The Second World War l339—194: a Popular Military History.) pp. (10) + 270. Portraits, plates and maps. 80. London, 1953.

    Card ID: 396

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    Author: NORTH (John Wesley)


    NW NOR Sto NORTH (John Wesley). See STONEROtJSE (trlin). John Wesley North end the reform frontier. a., Minneapolis, 1965.

    Card ID: 398

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    Author: NORTH (FredLeriok John)


    DEtOLTORY, NORTH (FredLeriok John). oa1 andL the ooa1fie1d in Wales. [With a biblio€raphy.) (Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Oymru. National Iuseum of Wales. Diagrame, maps and illustrations. 8. Cardiff end london, 1926.

    Card ID: 383

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    Author: NORTH (Frederick John)


    Nor NORTH (Frederick John). The Stones of Llandaff Cathedral...Published on behalf of the Friends of Liandaff Cathedral. IWith a bibliography.) pp. xvii. ÷ 122. Plates maps, plans and diagrams. 8°. Cardiff, 1957.

    Card ID: 388

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    Author: NORTH (John William)


    NORTH (John William). See LONDON. [111. Miscellaneous I.nstit,utions, Societies, etc.) Old. Water—Colour Society’s Club. The Old Wa.t1er—Colour Society’s Club, fifth annual volume, etc. (John William North, .R..., R.W.S.T842—l924. By H.&lexander. [With a list of works exhibited.)) pp. 3>-9. London, 1928.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: NORTH (Frederick John)


    NORTH (Frederick John). Limestones: their origins, distribution and uses...Poreword b Sir H.P.Maybury. [Iith bibliographies.] pp. xiiii. ÷ 467. Frontispiece1 portrai, illustrations, facsimile, maps, diagrams and tables. 8°. London and New York, 1930. T-flS \;‘ok S Yf N Tk r’. : W y th.

    Card ID: 384

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). Univer3ity of North Carolina. Studies in the Germanic languages and literatuies. [Continued.] 30. ‘ITZELL (John). The Hermit in Geraan literature, from Lessing to Eichendorff. 1961. 31. KLEIST (Bernd H.W.von). [Der zerbrochene’jw Krug.— Eng1ih.] The B’oken pitcher4t comedy in one act...Translated into English verse by B.Q.Morgan. 1961. oI6-iq. 32. LINKER (Robert W.) Music of the !n.nnesinger and early Meistersinger: a bibliography. 1962.

    Card ID: 78

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studiee in the Germanic languages and 1iteratur. [Continued.] , .‘bj •).!T 50. KLAWITER (Randolph J.) Stefan Zweig: a bibliography. (19614.] L3.-[. 51. KR(JMPELMANN (John T.) Southern scholars in Goethe’s Germany. [1965.] 52. BIBLE. Gospels. Harmonies. [EnJT cTht.OG The Heliand. Translated from the Old Saxon by M.Scott. [1966.] 53. ZUCKER (Adolf Eduard). General de Kaib, Lafayette ntor. [1966.] SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 84

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Germanic languages and literatures. [Continued.] 60. THOMAS (John Wesley), Professor. Medieval German lyric verse in English- translation. [An Lc4vL anthology. Poems translated and edited by] JW. Thomas. 1968. 61. BEST (Thomas Waring). The Hunanist Ulrich von Hutten: a reappraisal of his humor. 1969. 62. KURTB (Lieselotte E.) Die zweite Wirklicbkeit: Studien zum Roman des achtzehnten Jahrunderts, [with special reference to Germany].. 1969. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 87

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] rn,P 139. ROTHSCHILD (Judith Rice.) Narrative technique in therot ‘Lai& of Marie de France: themes and variations. Vo1.1 1974. 140. WINTER (John F.) Visual variety and spatial grandeur:

    Card ID: 142

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    CEAPL iXLL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.) ilk. PEX (Mario Andrew). [Appendix.] Studies in honor of Mario A.Pei. [By various authors.) Edited by John Fisier and Paul A.Caeng. 1972. 115. RANDOLPH (Donald Allen). Don Xanuel Cai’icte, cronistaCfc iiterario del romanticismo y del posromanticismo en0 Esoaa. 1972. ii6.ZDUIs IX., Kin of France, Saint. [Enseigneinents de Saint Louis.] The Teachings of Saint Louis: a critical text, by David O’Connell. 1972. xlM 117. RUBIN (David Lee). higher, hidden order: design and M;7. meaning in the c - erbe. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 137

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    CHAPEL MILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] - •- 161. McCANN (John J.) The Theater of Arthur Adamov. T975J A2.2) 162. HAUER (Mary G.) Luis Vèlez de Guevara: a critical. bib1io—””. graphy. 1975. 163. RACE’ISKIS (Karlis). Voltaire and the French Academy. 1975’ 164. LPARDI (Giacomo). £Paraliporneni della Batracomiomachia2”1 English.] The War of the mice and the crabs. Trans1ated’ introduced, and annotated by Erneato G.Caserta. 197. CO1ii i6. SI’EWA1T (Joan Hinde). The Novels of Mae Riccoboni. 1976. 166. WTTFc (Marcia L.) Style and stucti (34 ‘El Crijc1’• 19 I [SEE NE)(T CARD.]

    Card ID: 144