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NORTH John a:on john|k:0799 (6)
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NORTH, FredLeriok John
NORTH, Frederick John
NORTH, John Wesley
NORTH, John William
Author: NORTH (John)
(—1 )6r-4 NORTH (John), ftve1i5t. North—West Europe, 1944—5: the achievement of 21st Irmy Group. [With a bibliography.] (The Second World War l339—194: a Popular Military History.) pp. (10) + 270. Portraits, plates and maps. 80. London, 1953.
Card ID: 396
Author: NORTH (FredLeriok John)
DEtOLTORY, NORTH (FredLeriok John). oa1 andL the ooa1fie1d in Wales. [With a biblio€raphy.) (Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Oymru. National Iuseum of Wales. Diagrame, maps and illustrations. 8. Cardiff end london, 1926.
Card ID: 383
Author: NORTH (Frederick John)
NORTH (Frederick John). Limestones: their origins, distribution and uses...Poreword b Sir H.P.Maybury. [Iith bibliographies.] pp. xiiii. ÷ 467. Frontispiece1 portrai, illustrations, facsimile, maps, diagrams and tables. 8°. London and New York, 1930. T-flS \;‘ok S Yf N Tk r’. : W y th.
Card ID: 384
Nor NORTH (Frederick John). The Stones of Llandaff Cathedral...Published on behalf of the Friends of Liandaff Cathedral. IWith a bibliography.) pp. xvii. ÷ 122. Plates maps, plans and diagrams. 8°. Cardiff, 1957.
Card ID: 388
Author: NORTH (John Wesley)
NW NOR Sto NORTH (John Wesley). See STONEROtJSE (trlin). John Wesley North end the reform frontier. a., Minneapolis, 1965.
Card ID: 398
Author: NORTH (John William)
NORTH (John William). See LONDON. [111. Miscellaneous I.nstit,utions, Societies, etc.) Old. Water—Colour Society’s Club. The Old Wa.t1er—Colour Society’s Club, fifth annual volume, etc. (John William North, .R..., R.W.S.T842—l924. By H.&lexander. [With a list of works exhibited.)) pp. 3>-9. London, 1928.
Card ID: 399