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NORTH Frederick John a:if john|k:in (john) (7)
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NORTH, Frederick John
HERSCHEL, Sir John Frederick William
No Author available
Author: NORTH (Frederick John)
Nor NORTH (Frederick John). The Stones of Llandaff Cathedral...Published on behalf of the Friends of Liandaff Cathedral. IWith a bibliography.) pp. xvii. ÷ 122. Plates maps, plans and diagrams. 8°. Cardiff, 1957.
Card ID: 388
NORTH (Frederick John). Limestones: their origins, distribution and uses...Poreword b Sir H.P.Maybury. [Iith bibliographies.] pp. xiiii. ÷ 467. Frontispiece1 portrai, illustrations, facsimile, maps, diagrams and tables. 8°. London and New York, 1930. T-flS \;‘ok S Yf N Tk r’. : W y th.
Card ID: 384
Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)
HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), BEist. See BAILY (F’.) Journal of a tour in unsettled parts of North Ajperica in 1796 & 1797...With a memoir of the author [by Sir J.F.W. Herschel). London) is6.
Card ID: 472
CRAPfl lULL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the flomance languages and literatures. [Continued.] 98.WkUTNEY.Q4ark Stewart). Critical reactions and the Christian element in the poetry of Pierre de Bonsard. . .With a foreword by W.L.Wiey. 1971. c r ‘ 99. COX (Ralph Merritt). The Rev. John Bowle: the C3cc. genesis of Cervantean criticism. 1971. Cbc XTM 100. DE AR!4AS (Frederick Alfred). The Four interpolated S2.STe stories in the ‘Roman comique’: their sources and unifying function. 1971. 101. CHaTIYENT. Le Chastoiement d’un père A son fils. ,ci-r [Translated from the ‘Disciplina clericalis’ CqXtp of Petrus Alfnnni.l A ‘“4ticaJ. edition, edited fli by E.J.Hontgo: 1971. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 133
Author: No Author available
Lt3cs [\ic&. NORTH (Frederick John). Mining for metals in Wales. By F.J.Hortb. Cardiff, 1962. See CARDIFF. Nation1 Museum of Wales.
Card ID: 385
NORTh (Frederick John). &iowdoiia: the national park of North Wales. By F.J. North, B. Campbell, R. Scott, LWith a biblioraphy.J (he New )tatrai.s.) pp. xviii. + 459. Plates, llustrations, maps and cUagrama. 0 8. Lncin 1949.
Card ID: 387
C.5c- fj¼%kJ7 NORTH (Frederick John). Sunken cities: some legends or the coast and lakes of I’Iales. IWith a bibliography.] pp. 256. Plates. illustratiQns. ±acsimiles, map and diagrams. 8°. cardiff, 1957.
Card ID: 389