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NORMAND Charles in (charles) (5)
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NORMAND, Charles
POINTEL, Charles Philippe
NORND, Charles Pierxe Joseph
No Author available
Author: NORMAND (Charles)
HI Nor NORMAND (Charles). La Bourgeoisie fra.nçaise su XVIIe sic1e: l.a vie publique, les idees et les actions po1itques, i60i—i66i. etude soc isle, etc. pp. 3l. Portraits an plates. 80. [paris], 1908.
Card ID: 163
Author: POINTEL (Charles Philippe)
- - - CRENIEVflRJE-POINTEL (Charles Philippe), MarQuj. Historiettes baguenaudires. Par un Normand [i.e.Marquis C.P. de Chennevires—Pointe1]. [Aix printedj, 1845. See NORMAN.
Card ID: 198
Author: NORND (Charles Pierxe Joseph)
NORND (Charles Pierxe Joseph). See DAREMBEG (C. V.) nd SMO (E.) Dict,ionnaire des antiquités recques eL romaines, d’après les t,extes et. les rnonuments...Ouvrage redie a.r une societe cicrivains spéciaux...sous la direction de C. Daremberg et E. Sglio. (Tables avec. la collaboration de J. Normand.) Paris, 1877—1919.
Card ID: 166
Author: No Author available
N - . Zw&vt PUGIN (Augustu). See NORMAND (Charles P.3.) A New parallel of the orders of architecture...With the text translated, and two additona1 plates, by A.Pugiri. Londpn, 1829.
Card ID: 234
L J .-‘• ‘i-..: r]. -rcfr. e. NORMAND (Charles Pierre Joseph). A New parallel of the orders of architecture according to’ the Greeks and Romans, and modern architects. With the original plates, drawn and engraved by C.Normand. With the text translated, and two additional plates, by A.Pugin. pp. viii. + 50 + (65) plates. fol. London, 1829.
Card ID: 164