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NON Jean Claude a:in jean|k:0746 (1)



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    Author: NON (Jean Claude)


    RICEARD D SiIUT-NON (Jean Claude) Yoyege pittoresiue, ou description des royaumes de ITapiec et de Sicile, etc. [With a prefatory chapter entitled: PrécishTetorique des révolu— tions de IJa.ples et do Sicile, par S.R.fl.Cham— fort.] 4 vols. in 5. Plates. [L.I.] fol. Paris, 1781—86. Contains, including maps and ‘plans, 290 plates, n’any of which consist of two separate enravins. In adition there are 116 vignettes, some in Vol.2 being coloured. in terra-cotta with black backgrounds, an enaved dedicatory plate, and each voline has an engraved title-page. A plate which should be included at p.52 ‘of Vol.2 and 14 duplicated enavins of medals which [SEE NEXT CARD]

    Card ID: 203