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NISBET William it (william) (3)



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    Author: NISBET (William)


    Rcp NISBET (William). A Picture of the present state of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Containing memoirs, biographical, critical and literary, of all the resident members of that....body...To which is subjoined an appendix, or, account of the different medical institutions of the Metropolis, scientific and charitable, with their present establishments. LBy W..Nisbet.] 8°. London, 1817. § LONDON. £111.] Royal Cpllege of Physicians.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: PRYNNE (William)


    PRYNNE (William). [The History of King John, King Henry III and...King Edward I. — Appendix.] 9.2 NISBET (Alexander), Antiquary. A System of heraldry, speculative and practical...(With critical and histor1. remarks on that part of Prynne’s History known by the name of the Ragman-Roll.) The second edition. Edinburgh, IBOLi.

    Card ID: 411

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    Author: No Author available


    33 FYbH UNITED STAT OF AMERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Democratic Party. See CHAMBERS (William Nisbet). The Democrats in American iolitics: a short history of a popilar party. Seconá edition. New York, 1972.

    Card ID: 407