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NIDA, Eugene Albert
Author: NIDA (Eugene Albert)
0 1’ I NIDA (Eugene Albert). Learning a foreign language: a handbook prepared espocially for missionaries. (Revised edition.) pp. vii. ÷ 212. Diagrams. 8°. New York, 1957.
Card ID: 164
N’AM NIDA (Eugene Albert). A Synopsis of English syntax...Edited by B.Elson. [with a bibliography.] (A Pub— lication of the Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma, Linguistic Series, 4.) pp. lxviii. + 233. 8°. Norman, Okia., [Mexico printed], 1960. 1’Jic —Secoxid, revised edition. (Janua inuarum: Series Practica1 19.) pp. i7+. 3ibliograph and diagrams. 8°. The Hague, 1966.
Card ID: 165
Bra NIDA (Eugene Albert). See BflATCHE (Robert G.) and NU)A (Eugene Albert). A Translator’s handbook on the Gospel of Mark. 80. Leyd.en, 1961.
Card ID: 166