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NEWTON j Isaac a:j e|k:on (e) (8)
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NEWTON, j Isaac
Author: NEWTON (j Isaac)
NEWTON (J Isaac). I.Lctters.] our letters from Sir Isaac Newton to Doctor Bentley, containing some arguments in proof of a deity. pp. 35. [Do M.] 8°. London, 1756. Poi’teus Library 3 tAnother copyJ forteus Librarv5 uot.her copJ
Card ID: 167
NEWTON (J Isaac). [Arithmctic Un1vcrsa1i. - Appendix. J . LAMPKIN (Harold). A Study of New’tonts Arithmetica Universalis. 1956.
Card ID: 183
N;i NEWTON (J Isaac). COpticks.—!piexi&i.J ALGABOTTI (FrIzc?seO), Sir Isaac Newton’s philosophy explaind for the use of the ladies, LonciQn, 1739. —LAnother edition.] Sir Isec Newton’s theory of light and colours...made familiar to ladies, hixdrJ, 1742.
Card ID: 203
NEWTON (J Isaac). [Opticks... — Appenaix.] - PHILOSOPFLY. Natural phiiosophy Vol. 2. A Popular account of Newton’s optics. [By D.Lardner,) London, 1832.
Card ID: 204
T€ s,, NEWTON (J Isaac). (Appdix.) BAPON (Margaret E.) The Origins and development of Newton?s early mathanatical rk. 1960.
Card ID: 245
NEWTON (J Isaac) [Appendix.J See KEILL (John). Joannis Kei11...Episto1 d virum c].arissimum Joannern Bernoulli (in qua Dominuin Newtonum & seipslmi. defenclit contra criminationes a Crusio quodam obJectas, Lndn, 17O.
Card ID: 283
tc — NEWTON (J Isaac). Appendix.] See ONDOi.(III Roa1 Society. Newton tercentenary celebrations at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, 30 November, 1942, . 1Londo, 1943].
Card ID: 287
NEWTON (J Isaac). [Appendix.] e LONDON. Royal Sociy. Newton tercentenary celebrations, 15— 19 July 1946, etc. Cambridge, 1947.
Card ID: 288