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NEWTON Sir Isaac a:s manuel|k:an (manuel) (37)



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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    Porteu8 Library 23 NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Letters.J Two Mr. Le Clerc...Published from authentick MSS in the library of the RemonstrenI in aolland. pp. 123. 8°. London, 1754.

    Card ID: 169

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Letters.] [Letters to Collins, Oldenburg and others.] See RIGAUD (s.p.) Correspondence of scientific men of the seventeenth century, including letters of.. .Newton, London, 7841.

    Card ID: 170

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    Li NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [?.rjthmetjca Universalis. — Universal Arithmetiok; or, A Treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution. To which is added, Dr.Halley’s method of finding the roots of quations arithmetically. Translated from the Latin by.. .Mr.Raphson and revised and corrected by Ar.Cunn. pp. (4 + iv. + 272. Tables and folded plates. fDe M.] 0 S . London, 1720. The second edition, very much corrected. pp. (4) + iv. + 271 + (i). Tables and folded ptes. • De M.1 0 8 . London, 1728. tSEE .NEXT CAID. j

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    LL NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Arithmetica Universalis. — — i1tsh.J Universal krithmet.ick, etc. Continued.J — (Another edition.] To which is added,a Treatise upon the measures of ratios, by J.Maguire (and C.Maclaurin’s Methods of approxiLnation]. The whole illustrated and explained, in a series of notes, by T.YIilcler. 3 pa.rt.s in I vol. Diagranis. (De M.] 0 8 . London, 1769. The pagination of parts I and 2 is continuous. In this edition Halley’s Method_of resolving equations has been omitted.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    r Lj i3 NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Method of F1uxion.]. The Method of flucions arid infinite series, with its application to t,he geometry of curve—lines...Trarislat,ed from the author’s Latin original riot yet made publick. To which is subjöiri’d, A Perpetual comment upon the whole work, consisting of annotations, illustrations, and supplements.. .by J.Colson. p. i.—iv. + ix.—xxiv. + 339. Frontispiece, diagrazns and tbles. [Dc M.] 4°. London, 1736. TAnother copy, want±ng pp. 141—339, (A Perpetual oomLnent) and the frontispiece.] [De M.j

    Card ID: 192

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Method of Fluxions. — kixpenciix.j RkPHSON Llistoria fluxionum, etc. twith an extract from the ConEercium Epistolicuin relevant to Newton’s controversy with L0eibnitz.j - London, 1715. a

    Card ID: 196

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    C NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Method of F].uxjons. —. ppendi.] ROBINS (B.) A Discourse concerning the nature and certainty of Sir Isaac Newton’s Methods of fluxions, and of prime and ultimate ratios. , 1735.

    Card ID: 197

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    1 NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Opticks.] Opticks; or, a Treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of ligb.te The fourth edition, corrected0 pp. (8) + 382. Tables and folded plates0 8°. London, 1730.

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    NEWTON (Sir Isaac). tPrincipia0i Thi1osophi naturalis principia mathematica, eta. [Continued,J p72 is correctly numbered, but the catchword is umcôrrected. p. 261 is correctly numbered A bibliographical note on this copy by Professor E.N.da C.Andrade is inserted. SL0C., I6G7. c--• tAnother copy-.J [De M..i First edition, first issue [SEE ]TEXT CARD,]

    Card ID: 208

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Principia.] Philoeophi naturalis principia mathematica, etc. LContinued.] Imperfect wanting the third leaf, the Prefatio ad lectorem. p.72 is correctly numbered and the catchword is corrected. c26l is numbered 262 WithMS notes on the front flyleaves and in the text, many relating to changes in later editions, by an earI- owner0 With Eügustus De Morgan’s signature on the titlepage and a few additional MS notes by him on cbanes made in the second edition0 [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 209

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Principia.] Excerpt.a cjudam e Newtoni Prinipiis phi1osophi naturalis, own notis variorum [by J.Jebb, assisted by R.Thorp and G.Wollaston]. pp. ix. + (1) + 180. Folded plate tDe M.] 0 4 . Cambrid, ¶76. Wni.Frend’ a copy. Vith MS. annotations. (Another copy.) 8orSOO1ETV

    Card ID: 212

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    L NEWTON (Sir Isaac). lPrinC2.Pia.— Engiish.]ô The Mathematical prinoiples o natural philosophy... Translated. into English by Andrew Motto. To which are added, the Iaws of the moon’s motion according to gravity. By John MacMn. 2 vole. Folded cliagranis and tables. j.G.G.J 8. London, 1729.

    Card ID: 213