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NEWTON Sir Isaac a:it david|k:on (david) (5)



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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Isaac)


    ti’ J M NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Theory of tie Moon’s Motion,] A New and most accurate theory of the moon’s motion, whereby all her irregularities may be solved, and her place truly calculated to two minutes. Written by that incomparable mathematician Mr. Isaac Newton, and published in Latin by r. David Gregory in his excellent Astronomy. [Translated into English, with a preface, by E. Halley?] pp. 29. L1ggram. [De M 80. .,A. Baldwin: London, — 1702. Interleaved copy. A note by De Morgan states that this translation was inserted by Halley in the Miscellanea. Curiosa in 1708, [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 238

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    Author: BREWST (Sir David)


    BREWST (Sir David). ]enioirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. [Cont:-] follows the last fy-1eaf, to which an engraving of Grantham Grammar School has been attached. U [Another copy.] [t..i.) Nvi E F - Another copy.) D-L.L.j.

    Card ID: 287

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    Author: BREWSTER (Sir David)


    l3Lf BREWSTER (Sir David). Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vole. portraits, illustrations and diagrams. [DeM.j 8°. Edinburh and London, 1855. Pourteen pages from the Prooeeinps of tne Mschester Literary and Philosothical Society, 1866 & 7, givirig the substance of Dr, Crompton’s papeis on Newton’s portraits h&ve been insarted beIore the half-titJ.e o.f vol. 1; a leaf containing a brief biogray of Si1’ DadBrewstr o11ows the title pae, and an artiele from the lincoln, Rutland & $amfordJercury. St. 24,. 185e,_on thc.. cerpmpy of unyej1jn. Newton’s statue in Grantham, [SEE ]XT CARD.]

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: No Author available


    j4. NLi SMITH (David Euene). See BASCH (F. E:.) Sir Isaac Newton, 1727—t27: a bicentenary evaluation of his work, etc. dited by F. E. Brasch, with an introduction by E. E. Smit..h.] Baltimore, 1928.

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: OT (Jean Baptiste)


    L° BlOT (Jean Baptiste). Articles de J. B. Biot [on the) (Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of tr Isaac Newton. • .par Sir David Brewster.. .1855). Extraits du Journal des Savants, etc. pp. 32. 40• [Paris printed, 1855). Catalogued from the captio_ A printed slip, with anno tations by Augustus De Morgan, is attached to p. 26. A slip bearing a MS. note byDeMoan covers the - words xtraits_!of the gtion.

    Card ID: 562