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NEWTON Sir Charles Thomas a:on thomas|k:0940 (2)



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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Charles Thomas)


    NEWTON (Sir Charles Thomas). [Report to the British Museum on certain objects missing from the Woodhouse Co11ectiorat Corfu, br C.T. Newton.1 [London private]j printed, ie66). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Inst0itutiozis, Soc— ieties, etc.j British &1seum. Depart— went of Greek and Roman Anticiufties.

    Card ID: 138

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    Author: NEWTON (Sir Charles Thomas)


    NEWTON (Sir Charles Thomas). Synopsis of the ooatents of the British )useum. Department of Greek and Roman intiquities: First Vase Room. edition.. [By C T.Trtóz.j London1 1569. See LONDON1 [III. Miscellaneous Tustitutlons, Societies etc.) British Musei2m. Department o’f Greek and, 3’an Antig uTtle s.

    Card ID: 140