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NEWARK DELAWARE a:an william|k:it (william) (6)
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PENROSE, William Orestus
No Author available
GROHSE, Edward William
NEWARK (DELAWARE). University of De1aw. Univcrity of DeJ,aware monograph series. 2. Freedom is ourselves: legal rights and duties of the citizen as a basis for civic education. Ey W.O.Penrose. [With a bibliography.] pp. xvii. + 256. Folded table. 80. Newark,_Delaware, 1q52. See PENO5E (William Ore8tus).
Card ID: 5
Author: PENROSE (William Orestus)
33 RAG Pen PENROSE (William Orestus). Freedom is ourselves; legal rights and duties of the citizen as a basis for civic education. (University of Delaware Monograph Series, 2.) pp. 256. Bibi. and folded table. Newark, Delaware, 1952.
Card ID: 248
Author: No Author available
LsJ01 P.c4)’ iLLY (Paul William). New Castle, Delaware: a bibliography in commemoration of the tercentenary of the founding of New Castle. pp. 20. 80. Newark. Delaware, 1951
Card ID: 436
piCA Del REESE (William L.) See NEWARK (DELAWARE). University of Delaware. Philosophy of science: the Delaware Serrinar. (General editor: W.L.Reese.) 8. New York and London, 1963, etc.
Card ID: 423
Author: GROHSE (Edward William)
GROHSE (Edward William). Plate efficiencies in separation of ti hydrocarbons by extractive disti1laion with furfural... Iwith bibliographies.] Portion of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in... the University of Delaware, 1948. Reprinted from Chemical Engineering Progress, Volume 45, December, 1949. (University of belaware School of ‘Graduate Studies, Publication No.4.) pp. 7l6—73. Illustration, diagrams charts ‘and tables. 8°• [Newark. Delawar1, 1949. Cataiqged from the , -
Card ID: 12
DcL Luwi. lLs Uj MEISENEELDER (william c.) The Copolynerization of 2—chioroallyl linoleate with styrene...Portion of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in. ..the University of Delaware, 1950.. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 73, 1454, 1951. (Universiti_of Delaware School of Graduate Studies, Publication No. 12.) pp. 1454—1457’. Tables.. 80. [Newark, Delawarej, 1951. CataloKued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 496