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NELSON, John Robert
COULTER, John Merle and ROSE, Joseph Nelson
Author: NELSON (John)
f MWDG Lew NELSON (John), of Islington. [The History, Topography and Antiquities of the Parish of St.Mry, Is1Ington.-AppndIx.] See LEWIS (Samuel), Topographer, the Younger. The HS.tory and topography of the parish of St. !sry, Isllngton, etc. [Founded upon a work by J.Nelson.] fol. London, 181i2.
Card ID: 263
Author: NELSON (John Robert)
P73 Nel NELSON (John Robert). No man is alien: essays on the unity or msrikin. [By various authors.] Edited by J. Robert Nelson. (In honor of WiJJ.em Adolph Visser’t Hooft. [with a bibliography of his writirgs. 3) pp. viii, 33t1.. Leyden, 1971.
Card ID: 264
Author: COULTER (John Merle) and ROSE (Joseph Nelson)
PEPOSiTOR’ COULTER (John Merle) and ROSE (Joseph Nelson). Monograph of the North American Umbelliterae. By J.M.Coulter and J.N.Rose. Washington, 1900. See UNITED STATES QI? AMFIRICA. Departments of State and Officia’ Bodies. Department of Agricuture. Division of Botany. Contributions from the Untted States National herbarium. Vol.7. No.1.
Card ID: 468