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NELSON, Horatio
LAUGHTON, Sir John Knox
HARDY, Sir Thomas ilasterxnan
Author: NELSON (Horatio)
NELSON (Horatio), Viscount Nelson. See LAUGHTON (Sir John Knox). Nelson. London and New York, 1895.
Card ID: 242
NELSON (Horatio), Viscount - Nelson. Seo. CLARKE (Janres S.) and iARTHUR (John), J The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson, K. B., from his Lordship’s nanusoripts. Lonrc, 1809. —[Another edition.] London, [1840]. I
Card ID: 237
Author: LAUGHTON (Sir John Knox)
L LAUGHTON (Sir John Knox). The Barker Collection: manuscripts of and relating to Admiral Lord Nelson briefly noted by Sir J.K.Laughton, etc. [London], 1915. NELSON (Horatio), viscount Nelson.
Card ID: 127
Author: HARDY (Sir Thomas ilasterxnan)
-J HARDY (Sir Thomas ilasterxnan), Bart. CLARKE (James S.) and MtARTHUI (John), LL. LL.D. The Life. ..of Horatio Viscount Nelson, etc. (Memoir of Sir T .ll.Harc3 London, [i840].
Card ID: 289