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NEIYMNN John be (john) (1)



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    Author: NEIYMNN (John)


    M45 Von VON NEIYMNN (John). Collected works. General editor: A.U.Taub. [With bibliographiea of Von Neumann’s works.) 6 vola. Portniits, diagrams and tables. O Oxford, 1961—63. 1. Logic, theory of sets and quantum mechanics. 1961. 2. Operators, ergodic theory and almost periodic functions in a group. 1961. 3. Rings of operators. 1961. 4. Continuous geometry and other topics. 1962. £1963,. 5. Design of computers, theory of automata and numerical analysis. 6. Theory of games, astrophysics, hydrodynamics and weteorolog. 1963.

    Card ID: 444