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NEADLAM Arthur Cayley cayley (arthur) (2)
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NEADLAM, Arthur Cayley
MORLEY, Agnes fleadlam
Author: NEADLAM (Arthur Cayley)
NEADLAM (Arthur Cayley), Bishop of Gloucester. The Doctrine of the Church and Christian reunion: being the Bampton Lectures for the year 1920. (Third edition.) pp. xxxix. + (3) + 326. 0 8 . London, [1929].
Card ID: 72
Author: MORLEY (Agnes fleadlam)
MORLEY (Agnes fleadlam). Arthur Cayley Headlam: a biographical essay. § NEADLAM (Arthur C.), The Fourth Gospel as history...With a biographical essay by A.Head1wn—!or1ey. pp. ix.—xli. Oxford, 1948.
Card ID: 391