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NE Walter a:a walter|k:a (walter) (7)
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NE, Walter
NE, Wiiiam Rede
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Author: NE (Walter)
CR&NE (Walter). See WILDE (Oscar). The Happy prince.and. other tales ...Illustrated by V1.Crane, etc. I,ondon, 1888. Third edition. London, 1902.
Card ID: 163
Author: HEINMEYER (Walter)
HEINMEYER (Walter). Studjen zur Geschichte der gotischen Urkundenschrift. (Durchgesehener Ntcbdruck aus “Archiv fUr Diplomatik”.) pp. viii. + 248. Folded plates. 8. Colc,p:ne, 1962.
Card ID: 434
Author: NE (Wiiiam Rede)
Sir EAWTHOflNE (Wiiiam Rede) and OLSON (Walter T.) Design and erforrim.nce of gas turbine power plants. [By various authors.) Editors: W.R.Hawthorne, W.T.Olson. [With bibliographies.) (High Speed Aerodynsmics and Jet Propulsion, II.) pp. xiii. + G3. Plates, charts, diagrams arid tables. 8°. London[York, Pa. printed], 1960.
Card ID: 436
Author: No Author available
ØEPoITORY KILNER (Walter J.) The B1man atniosphere Card ID: 465
Card ID: 465
Ls 33 HIJ Ros iXSENDtUM (Walter A.) The Politics o environmental concern • pp .293. Ne York, 1973. S4I3 ———-—Second edition. pp. vii, 311. Bibi. New York, 1977.
Card ID: 405
WNDON. [III.) British Psychonn1yticl Society. Wjntei’ Lectures. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the edito 1967. SUTHJRLAND (John Derg). The Psychoanalytic approsch...Edited by J.D.Sutherland. 1968. 1968. JOFFE (Walter Gerald). What is psychoanalysis? •..Edited by Walter G.Joffe. 1968. 1969. KLN (Myam Sidney). Sexuality and agression 6’)IVS maturation: ne facets...Editcd by H.Sydnoy Klein. 1969.
Card ID: 616
STOCKHOLN. Stockholms Hgskola. Stockbolmer gerianistiache Forsohungen. [Continued.) Xjft 7, BERE4DSOHN (Walter Arthur). Die kUnstierieche Ent- UQc3L wicklung Heines im Buch der Lider: Struktur- und Car Stilstudien. 1970. 8. BfilDGE’r, Saint, of Sweden. [Appendix.] .ne nieder— Pr deutsche Birgitta—Legende aus der Mitte des XV. 77c, Jahrhunderts • Staats— und Universi tts-Biblio thek Hamburg, Cod. Convent. 10. Herausgegeben von A, Mante. 1971. 9. KOLLER (Werner). Grundprobleme der Ubersetsungetheorie unter besonderer Berikkaichtigung schwediech-deutecher Ubersetzungstheori e. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 444