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NE Robert a:james robert|k:on (robert) (5)
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NE, Robert
NE(Robert Romney
SIRE, Robert ne
NE, Pierre Stephen Robert
CECIL, Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoy-ne
Author: NE (Robert)
HALD?NE (Robert), of Airhr. HALDANE (Alexander). The Lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey, a.nd of his brother, James Alexander Haldarie, [With a list of their publications.) London and Edinburgh, 1852.
Card ID: 98
Author: NE(Robert Romney)
D1iP(Y7t,fljy flNE(Robert Romney). gR1DHEY (A.C.) A short history of the Irish people.. .Edited, with notes by R.R.Kane. Dublin, 1887.
Card ID: 203
Author: SIRE (Robert ne)
bEPOSLTdtv Lt VAI3SIRE (Robert ne). Ant]aologio potique du XX sic1e...I11uitr de...portraitu...(14e) dditiou revie et aug rnont e. 2 vols. 80. Paris, [1924.]
Card ID: 481
Author: NE (Pierre Stephen Robert)
L9e LAW Pay PA’NE (Pierre Stephen Robert). Lawrence of ArabIa: a triumph, etc. (Revised editlon.) pp. 256. PortraIts, plates and map. 80. London, 1966.
Card ID: 480
Author: CECIL (Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoy-ne)
( c CECIL (Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoy-ne), 1st Viscount Cecil of Cheiwood. The Moral basis of the League of Nations: the Essex Hall Lecture, 1923...With an appendix on the work of the League. pp.63. 8. ondon, 1923.
Card ID: 377