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NAUD, Gabriel
Author: NAUD (Gabriel)
Thc-’cJ NAUD (Gabriel). Advis pour dresser une bibliotlièque. (MIt einem achwort von H.Kunze) [in German, ‘rench, English and Ruseian. (Neudrueke aus deni Buch- und Bibliothekswesen.) pp.148. Facsimile titlepage. 8. Leipzig, 1963. A reprint of the edition of 1627.
Card ID: 5
NAUD (Gabriel). CAdvis pour dresser une Bib1iotthque — lish.) Advice on establishing a library...With an introduction by A.Taylor Land a bibliographyj. pp. xlii. + 110. 8°. Bkç1 and os kjge], 1950.
Card ID: 7
NAUD (Gabriel). b’ee SALLUST, th Plato. a)ouotov... Weç 8ewv s’ Sallvstii...De diis et nwrido. £.Allativs nunc primus teebris eruit, & Latin vertit. [Edited by G.Naud4.J RQLne, i6S.
Card ID: 15