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N j Williani an (williani) (3)



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    Author: N (j Williani)


    - ODINGbN (J Williani), Bait. An Ehglish prisoner in Paris during the Terror, 1793—1.794: [narratieprobably written by Sir W.CociringtonJ. Edited by V.T.Harlow. LONDON. [III.] Royal 1-listorical Society. Camden seriesa 41. Camden miscellany, 15. London, 1929.

    Card ID: 423

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    Author: No Author available


    C3 L1i N., J. A Collection of li the wills, nov knowii -o be extant, of the kings and queens of Eng1and, princes and princesses of Wales, and every branch of the blood royal, from the reign of WillIani the Conqueror to that of Henry the Seventh exclusive. tEdited by JN., i.e. J. Nichols.] With explanatory notes and a glossary [by R.Gough). pp. X + 434. 40 London, 1780.

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: No Author available


    MIDDLE ENGLISH TEXTS.. Middle Engli8b texts. General editor: N. Görl,ach. [Volumes ira this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] 1. MARY, the Blessed Virgin. The South English nativity M’3 of Mary and Christ. Ed. from MS BH Stowe 949 by O.S. Pickering. 1975, 2. SERMONES. Quattuor aermones, printed by Williani Caxton. Edited by NJ. Blake. 1975. 3. QUARE. The Quare of Jeluy. ±4. from MS Bodley Arch. &‘ Seld. B. 24. by J. Norton-Smith and 1. Pravda. ‘i4 1976. [SE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 443