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N Walter a:n !k3”dn|k:0467 (8)
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N, Walter
N, Sir Walter Langdon—
N, Walter hteLennan
N, Walter Peroy
N, Roy Walter and H(RRION, Carolyn Mary
Author: N (Walter)
0PQSiToRy BU$S1UU1N (Walter) . Treitschke:sein Welt— mid Geschichtsbild. (With a bibliography.] (Gttinger Bausteine zur 3/4.) pp. xv. + 479. Prtrá. 8°. G8ttine, 1952.
Card ID: 192
33RbU U GelGELLHO] N (Walter). When Americans Omp1ain: governmental grievance procedures. [An expanded version of the Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures delivered at the Harvard Law School, rch 1966.) pp. viii. + 239. 80. Cambridge, 1ss., 1966.
Card ID: 373
Malcolm Morley Collection GOODMkN (Walter) Author of “The Keeleys on the Staand. at home”. The Keeleys on the stage arid at I1oae,et. 1895.
Card ID: 213
XWT Nau NAUMA!N (Walter). Hofn3annthal: der jingate deutsche KIaEs iker. (Hess is che Be itre zur deuts chen Literatur.) pp. b. 8°. lDarmstad.t, 1967.
Card ID: 66
Author: N (Sir Walter Langdon—)
DEPcJTof • BROjN (Sir Walter Langdon—) Some chapters in Cambridge medical history. [With a bibliography]. pp. viii..+ 119. 8°. Gambride, l9L6.
Card ID: 53
Author: N (Walter hteLennan)
t1’OS1TbRY CIThiN (Walter hteLennan), Baron Citrine. The Trade union movement of Great Britain. (International Trade Union Library, 2—3.) pp. 118 + vii. 8°. Amsterdan, 1926.
Card ID: 461
Author: N (Walter Peroy)
DEPOSITORY WORK?N (Walter Peroy). Memoranda znathexnatioa: a synopsis of faots, forvualae, an& methods in elementary mathematics. pp, iv..+ 272. 0 B ., Oxror, 1912.
Card ID: 366
Author: N (Roy Walter) and H(RRI5ON (Carolyn Mary)
Bro BIwN (Roy Walter) and H(RRI5ON (Carolyn Mary). Ecø1o’ and ecological methods: their relevance to geographical study. (University Collçge London. Departnent of Geography. Ocàasiona]. Papers, 8.) pp.23. Bibi. and diagrs. London, 1970.
Card ID: 477