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N Sir John a:by james john|k:are (john) (4)



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    Author: N (Sir John)


    fVJf1 1 ‘HAINGT0N (Sir John). Nug antiqu: beiig a miscellaneous collection of original papers in prose and verse, written in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, James I., &c. By Sir J. .Harington...and others... With an original plate of the PrIncess Elizabeth, engraved 1554. To which is added an appendix containing a specimen of some 1ettexs from a Georgian merchant at Bath to his friend in London. [Edited by H. •Harington.) pp. (8) + 210 + (22). Folded plates. 12°. London, Bath printed, .1769. Wanting a second volume, oublished in 1775. n - edition in 3 volumes ajeared1n 1779. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 500

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    Author: WILD (Leonard John)


    ]ePoSITGP4, WILD (Leonard John). The Life and times of Sir James Wilson of Bulls. [with a selection of family letters, 1886—1897.] pp. (12) + 335. Portraits maps. 8°. [christchurch, N..], 1953.

    Card ID: 463

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    Author: COWAN (James)


    COWAN (James). See CAMPBELL (Sir John L.) Poenamo: sketches of the early days in New Zealand...Vlith an introduction by J.Stevens. Maori references edited by J.Cowsn. Christchurç, N., 1953.

    Card ID: 112

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    Author: SIMON (John Ailsebrook)


    SIMON (John Ailsebrook), scot Simon. See ENGLAND Departments of State andOfVicia1 — Bodies. Royal Cornmiion,n the Arfest_ac Subsequent Trea.ment of br.F.S, Skeft’intox etc. Royal Commission {Chairuzan: Sir J.Simon] on the arrest nd subsequent treterit f Mr.Francis Sheehy Seffington, Mr.Thorn.s Dickson and Mr.Patrick James McIntyre. Report of Commission. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, etc. London, ‘1916.

    Card ID: 200