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N Robcrt n (robcrt) (2)



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    Author: N (Robcrt)


    XSM Mr WRTiN (Robcrt), ?nilo1oiat. ‘fen et aspect: essi sill’ l’eiuploi temps narratifs en moyen franais. (Bib1iotheqe Franaie et Rone • Serie A: nue1s et Edes Linuistiques, 20.) pp 450. Mbl. ?dri3, 1971.

    Card ID: 428

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    Author: BOLTON (Robert)


    •::‘:: 1Li(c I BOLTON (Robert), Puritan Divine. The Workes of the Reverend...Robcrt Bolton... as they were finished by himselfe in his life time, etc. 2 vols. in 1. [D.—L.L.] 8°. Printed by G.Miller: London, 1641. A reissue, with a collective titlep1 of the separate editions of the various treatises. This copy is incopete ,ççntaining_two works only: “A P course about the state f true seventh edition, dated i68, and “Instructions for a right comforting afflicted consciences”, third edition, dated 1640. It wants another volume, containing two_rnore treatises, 2rtrait 01’ the author, his life t ‘‘- iaw and hi funeral sermon by N. Estwick.

    Card ID: 103