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N Peter Martin is (peter) (6)



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    Author: N (Peter Martin)


    - DUNCtN (Peter Martin). On the fossil corals of the West Indian islands. (From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, for November 1864.) Part III. G. G.] 8. (London1] 1864.

    Card ID: 189

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    Author: DUNCAN (Peter Martin)


    EPO SIT V DUNCAN (Peter Martin). A Revision of the families-and genera of the SclerodermicZoantiaria, Ed. & N., or Madreporaria, M.Rugosa excepted. (Extracted from the Lirinean Society’s Journal, Zoology, Vol. 18.) pp. 204. 8°. London, 1884. Presentation -copy, inscribed by the author.

    Card ID: 190

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    Author: T (peter Brian) and STUBBS (Martin Wi11Iin)


    folio 53 DSH Wri WEIGhT (Peter Brian) and STUBBS (Martin Wi11Iin). Circulation patterns at 850, 7(X)) 500 and 2(X) millibars over the eastern hemisphere from 10°N to lg)°s during May and June. (Meteoro1oica1 Office. GeophysicaJ. Memoirs) liii..) pp. 101. Bibi. end maps. London, 1971.

    Card ID: 369

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    Author: JBBS (Martin Wiiliam)


    eolio 53 DSH Wri STtJBBS (Martin Wiiliam), See WRIGRr (Peter Brian) and STUBBS (Martin Wi2iLara). Circulation patterns at 850, 7(X), 0O and 2(X) millibara over the eastern hemisphere from lO°N to Li0°S during May and June. London, 1971.

    Card ID: 54

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    Author: No Author available


    1N AG MARTIN (Raymond N.) La Coiitro’verse sur le pch originel au dbut du XIVe zic1e: textes indits. [Extracts from works by Henry of Ghent and others, and from commentaries on Peter Lombard’s ‘Sententiae’ by Durandus de Sancto Porciano, Herveus Natalie, Petrue de Palude and others.) (Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense tüdes et Documente 10.) pp. xvi1 427. Louvain, 1930.

    Card ID: 418

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    Author: No Author available


    TRAVAUX I)’ HUMAIISME ET RENJJSSANCE. Travawc d’ humariiine et renaissance. [Continued.] xir 91. TflIPET (Arnaud). P&trarque; ou, is Connaiseance de soi. 1967. CCQ6 92. KINODON (Robert N.) Geneva and the consolidation of the French Protestant moveuent, 1564—1572: a contribution to the history of Conrogationalisiii, Presbyterianiam and Calviniet resistance theory. 1967. 93. FRAUCM, (Peter) and GRESOHAT (Martin). Zwanzig Jahre Melanchthonatudium: secha Literaturberichte, 1943—1965. 1967. CS NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 401